

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:10次 大小:16792488Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件10张PPT。Module 1Unit 1 She’s a nice teacher.四、根据汉语意思补全单词。 ( B )1.clev       ( 聪明的 )? A.ar       B.er ( B )2.       y( 害羞的 )? A.ch B.sh ( A )3.n             ty( 淘气的 ) A.augh B.ough ( A )4.n   c   ( 友好的 )? A.i;e B.o;e ( B )5.b   d( 坏的 )? A.e B.a五、给下列短语选择对应的图片。 ( B )1.a bad bird ( D )2.a shy girl ( A )3.a clever boy ( C )4.a naughty monkey ( E )5.a nice teacher读一读,写一写 nice ? clever ? naughty ? a bit ? shy六、选出不同类的一项。 ( C )1.A.he     B.she     C.this ( C )2.A.this B.that C.she ( C )3.A.cute B.clever C.teacher ( B )4.A.call B.bad C.answer ( A )5.A.very B.boy C.girl七、情景交际。 ( B )1.当你想说王老师是一位亲切的老师时,应该说: ? A.I like Ms Wang. B.Ms Wang is a nice teacher. ( B )2.当你向你妈妈介绍你的朋友大明时,应该说:  A.He’s Daming. B.This is Daming. ( A )3.你想说Sam很调皮,但不是一个坏孩子,应该说: A.Sam is very naughty,but he is not a bad boy. B.Sam is very shy,but he is not a bad boy. ( A )4.当你想询问对方是否可以接电话时,应该说:  ? A.Can you answer the call? B.You can answer the call. ( B )5.当你想告诉别人你爸爸很聪明时,可以说:    ? A.My father is very cool. B.My father is very clever.八、连词成句。 1.teacher,a,is,nice,Ms Smart( . ) Ms Smart is a nice teacher.? 2.is,this,mother,my( . ) This is my mother.? 3.too,is,she,naughty,very( . ) She is very naughty,too.? 4.you,can,call,the,answer( ? ) Can you answer the call??九、阅读短文,判断正( T )误( F )。 Hello,I’m Yangyang.I’m ten.I’m clever.There are three people in my family.This is my father.He’s a policeman.He’s very cool ( 酷 ).He likes football.This is my mother.She’s a doctor.She’s very nice.She likes music.Oh,this girl is me.I love reading books.I love my family.What about you? ( F )1.Yangyang is a naughty boy. ( F )2.There are four people in Yangyang’s family. ( T )3.Yangyang is ten years old. ( F )4.Yangyang’s mother is cool. ( F )5.Yangyang likes music and reading books.课件8张PPT。Module 10Unit 1 Did you fall off your bike?四、写出下列动词的过去式。 1.findfound   2.fallfell   3.buybought 4.havehad 5.carrycarried 6.happenhappened 五、英汉互译。 1.hungry and thirsty 又饿又渴 2.去骑自行车 go for a bike ride? 3.fall off 跌落 4.在自行车上 on the bike? 5.What happened to...? ……发生了什么事? 6.跌倒 fall down? 7.go up the hill 上山 8.买一个西瓜 buy a watermelon?六、选择括号里的正确单词填空。 1.He played( play/played ) basketball yesterday. 2.He is going to do( do/did/does )his homework. 3.Tom and I were( were/was/are ) there then. 4.( Does/Do/Did )Did he dance yesterday? 5.Yesterday Tom fell off( fell off/fall off )his bike.?七、给下列问句选择合适的答语。 ( C )1.Did your English teacher live in China? ( E )2.What happened to your head? ( D )3.Did you have a nice holiday? ( B )4.Was your hair short then? ( A )5.What did you do yesterday? A.I went to a pop concert and a basketball game. B.Yes,it was. C.No,she didn’t. D.Yes,I did. E.I bumped my head.八、单项选择 ... ...

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