
2018年秋人教版九年级英语全一册Unit 12Life is full of the unexpected全单元教案(5课时)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:64次 大小:207723Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. Language Goal 【语言目标】 Narrate past events Knowledge Goals 【知识目标】 Key Words unexpected,backpack,oversleep,block,worker,above,burn,alive,airport,till,west,cream,pie,bean,market,fool,discovery,lady,cancel,officer,believable,disappear Key Phrases by the time,give…a lift,in line with,show up,by the end of,costume party,sell out Key Sentences 1.When I woke up it was already 8:00 a.m.! 2.Before I got to the bus stop,the bus had already left. 3.As I was waiting in line with the other office workers,I heard a loud sound. 4.By the time I got to the airport,my plane to New Zealand had already taken off. Key Grammar Understand past perfect tense. Learn to use adverbial clauses with when,before,as,by the time to narrate past events. Ability Goals 【能力目标】 1.Develop listening,speaking,reading and writing skills by using the target languages. 2.Learn to narrate past events using adverbial clauses with “when,before,as,by the time”. Moral Goals 【情感目标】 1.With the help of this unit's study,students learn to pay more attention to safety. 2.Learn something about April Fool's Day. Teaching Time 【课时】 Five periods Period 1 Section A(1a-2d) Period 2 Section A(3a-4c) Period 3 Section B(1a-1e) Period 4 Section B(2a-2e) Period 5 Section B(3a-3b) & Self Check 本单元Section A的中心话题是讲述发生过的意想不到的事情,学习的语言项目是了解过去完成时态描述过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作,运用一般过去时态描述过去某个时间里发生的动作或存在的状态。这部分的重点是让学生能够用适当的时态叙述过去发生的事情,特别是意想不到的事件。教学难点是让学生明白一般过去时态和过去完成时态的区别,并能正确运用这两种时态叙述过去发生的事情。Section B依旧围绕“让人出乎意料的事件”这一话题展开,内容从学生的生活琐事、意外事故过渡到生活中出其不意的玩笑,特别是愚人节发生的让人难以预料的事情。这部分的学习重点依旧是掌握一般过去时态和过去完成时态,学习难点是能够在写作中熟练运用这两种时态。 The First Period—Section A(1a-2d) Teaching Important Points 【教学重点】  Key words & phrases:  unexpected,backpack,oversleep by the time;give…a lift  Key sentences:  1.What happened to the girl?  2.By the time I got up,my brother had already gotten in the shower.  3.When I got to school,I realized I had left my backpack at home.  4.Before I got to the bus stop,the bus had already left.  Key structure:  had+done when/before/by the time+clause e.g.When I got home,I realized I had left my keys in the backpack. Teaching Difficult Points 【教学难点】  ★Practice the past perfect tense and the adverbial clauses with when,before,as,by the time to narrate past events.【21·世纪·教育·网】 Teaching Aids 【教学工具】  A tape recorder,pictures,CAI or multimedia courseware.21*cnjy*com Teaching Steps 【教学过程】 ★Step 1 Leading in 【新课导入】 1.Greeting 2.Warming-up Get the students to review some verbs and their past forms.21世纪教育网 Quickly ask individual student ... ...

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