
新目标(Go for it)版九年级全Unit 9I like music that I can dance to(含答案解析听力音频听力材料)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:23次 大小:10059664Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    答案解析 Ⅰ.1-5 A C A A A Ⅱ.6-10 B A C B C Ⅲ.11-15 A C A C B Ⅳ.16-20 C C B B C Ⅴ.21.A make sense “有意义”。 22.C 句中music是sing along with的逻辑宾语,with不可省。 23.B down“沮丧的”,符合句意。 24.D prefer doing sth.to doing sth.意为“宁愿做某事而不愿做某事”,是固定搭配。21教育网 25.B———have a pain in+人体部位”是固定搭配。 26.A 由“saving two kids”可知,他应该在大会上受到表扬。故选A项。 27.C stick to“坚持”,符合句意。 28.D 由后句中的very dangerous可知,这种机器必须停止运转。故选D项。 29.B direct“导演”;perform“表演”;master“掌握”;reflect“反映”。故选B项。21世纪教育网 30.B 根据句意:埃里克非常喜欢读书,他在图书馆里度过他每个空闲的时刻。可知答案选B。 31.D What a pity!“真遗憾!”符合交际用语习惯。 32.C 先行词指物,定语从句用that引导。 33.B 根据“they are made of silk”可知这些衣服应该是摸起来“平滑”。故选B。 34.B 答语句意:既然那样,我们必须待在家里。in that case“既然那样”。故选B。 35.A 先行词the boy指人,且作主语,故用who引导定语从句,某人几岁生日应用序数词。 Ⅵ.36.B 根据句意及句中的quiet可知《天鹅湖》是恬静和悦耳的。故选B。 37.D 根据句意这里指这首古典音乐的大师是柴可夫斯基。故选D。 38.A 主语指上文提到的柴可夫斯基。故用he代替。 39.D fairy tale是物,先行词用which引导。故选D。 40.B fall in love with“爱上”。故选B。 41.A 根据句意“她白天是天鹅,但是晚上是一个年轻的女子”可知这里表示转折关系。故选A。 42.B 根据句意这里指她的神奇咒语仅仅能被一个男人打破。故选B。 43.A 根据句意可知这里指故事的结局,故选A。 44.C 根据下句“它是不同的”可知这里指“芭蕾舞有了一些变化”。故选C。 45.D 根据句意这里指《天鹅湖》那时在圣彼得堡被演出。故选D。 Ⅶ.46-50 C B B D A 51-55 D B C A A 56-60 B C D D C 61.In Hawaii,America. 62.At the age of 17./When he was 17. 63.No./No,he didn't. 64.They feel like lying on the beach enjoying the warm sunshine. 65.Whatever happens in our lives,we have to accept it and do the best we can. Ⅷ.66.dancing 67.director 68.were recorded 69.instruments 70.recall Ⅸ.71.will come 72.never 73.hurt 74.Luckily 75.ability 76.everything 77.excited 78.practicing 79.for 80.where Ⅹ.One possible version: Research has shown that music has an important influence on one's moods.So people use different kinds of music to change moods.If you feel stressed and worry a lot,you can listen to pop music because it will make you feel relaxed.Some students are crazy about computer games and feel over excited.Listening to country music can make them feel calm and peaceful.Some people feel tired and sleepy.They can listen to rock music.After they listen to it,they will be excited.Sometimes I feel lonely and sad.Listening to disco music must make me happy again.Tan Dun is my favorite composer.He can make music with common objects like stones and paper.He is best known for winning an Oscar for his music in the film Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon. 第九单元检测卷 时间:120分钟  满分:120分 题序 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ 总分 得分 听力部分(25分) Ⅰ.听对话,选 ... ...

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