

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:84次 大小:144571Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2011-2018学年第二学期 四年级英语 期末口语测试卷 一、Read the following words or phrases aloud.朗读下面的单词或短语。 15分 (要求语音语调准确,发音错误一个单词扣一分。)21世纪教育网 Soft, smell , him, Science, sport, wonderful, Thursday, them, cinema, February, rise up, play the violin, play volleyball, brush my teeth, have breakfast 二、Read the following passage aloud.朗读下面的课文。 20分 (,要求语音语调准确,发音错误一个单词扣一分,不流利则扣5分。)21cnjy.com Kitty gets up at seven o’clock. She brushes her teeth at a quarter past seven. Kitty and her mother have breakfast together at half past seven. She goes to school at a quarter to eight. What a nice girl!21·cn·jy·com 三、Answer the following questions.回答问题。 30分 (回答说对3个句子以上不扣分,发音错误一个单词扣一分。)21教育网 1、How is the weather in June in Shenzhen? 2、What do you like playing? Why? What subject do you like? Why? 四、看图说话,要求:发挥你的想象和开发思维,详细地描述图片。35分(描述6个句子以上满分,发音错误一个单词扣一分。)

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