
Unit 1 Why are you so happy Lesson 4 同步练习(2套 含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:17次 大小:226739Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    UNIT ONE WHY ARE YOU SO HAPPY Lesson 4 同步练习 1 一、选出下列单词中不同类的一项。 ( ) 1. A. angry B. tired C. look ( ) 2. A. tomorrow B. soon C. today ( ) 3. A. my B. you C. he ( ) 4. A. missing B. pen C. pencil ( ) 5. A. sad B. happy C. cry 二、看图补全单词。 1. w_____ 2. a_____ty 3. s_____ 4. t_____ 5. u_____ 6. e_____ 三、选择正确的翻译。 ( ) 1.他们喜欢学校。 A. They like school. B. Dad was tired. ( ) 2. Can I eat the tinned meat? A.我能吃这个罐装肉吗? B.我的座位在这儿。 ( ) 3.他们很高兴见到彼此。 A. When did he go? B. They are glad to see each other. ( ) 4. Lingling tells him not to be sad. A.玲玲告诉他别难过。 B.不要哭,也不要笑。 ( ) 5. So do I. A.我也是。 B.再次见到你们真高兴。 四、找出错误项,并改正。 ( ) 1. I the exam. very. _____ ( ) 2. . _____ ( ) 3. The very. _____ ( ) 4. new . _____ ( ) 5. . _____ 五、根据表格,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。 Linlin His brother is missing He is sad. Maomao He finds his dog. He is happy. Henry He is back to school. He is excited. ( ) 1. Maomao is happy because his dog is back. ( ) 2. Henry is excited. ( ) 3. Linlin finds his dog. ( ) 4. Linlin is very happy. 答案: 一、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C 二、1. orried 2. ng 3. urprised 4. ired 5. pset 6. xcited 三、1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A 四、1. C sad 2. C surprised 3. C exciting 4. C books 5. B be 五、1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F UNIT ONE WHY ARE YOU SO HAPPY Lesson 4 同步练习 2 一、判断所给单词画线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同。 ( ) 1. like/it ( ) 2. eat/head ( ) 3. meat/seat ( ) 4. is/sit 二、按要求写单词。 1. happy(对应词) _____ 2. worry(形容词) _____ 3. book(复数) _____ 4. sad(同义词) _____ 5. buy(单数第三人称) _____ 6. they(宾格) _____ 7. to(同音词) _____ 8. miss(现在分词) _____ 三、选择正确的一项填空。 1. Glad _____ (A. to B. too) See you. 2. Jim reads five _____ (A. book B. books). He is tired. 3. Why does Maomao _____ (A. look B. looks) sad? 4. —My dog is _____ (A. missing B. back ). —Don't be sad. He will come back soon. 5. The pupils are glad to see _____ (A. each other. B. other each) 6. —My mum is ill. —Don't _____ ( A. worried B. worry). She will get well soon. 四、句型转换。 1. We have new books. (改为一般疑问句) _____ _____ _____new books? 2. Lingling looks upset. (改为否定句) Lingling _____ _____ upset. 3. I'm sad because my dog is missing. (对画线部分提问) _____ _____ _____ _____? 4. Are you happy? (作肯定回答) _____,_____ _____. 5. Heat it before you eat it. (改为否定句) _____ _____it before you eat it. 五、改错。 ( ) 1. Why look so ? _____ ( ) 2. The room is , my mother angry. _____ ( ) 3. I'm the gold is . _____ ( ) 4. Sam fish. _____ ( ) 5. Let's together. _____ 六、阅读对话,选择正确答案。 Dad: What's wrong, Rick? You look upset! Rick: I am upset! I can't find Sammy! I think he is missing. Dad: Don't worry. We can put an ad(广告) in the newspaper. We'll find him! ( ) 1. What's the dog's name? A. Rick. B. Sammy. C. Samuel. ( ) 2. Who looks upset? A. Rick. B. Sammy. C. Dad. ( ) 3. _____ is sure that they'll find Sammy. A. Rick B. Sammy C. Dad 答案: 一、1. F 2. ... ...

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