

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:44次 大小:5930Byte 来源:二一课件通
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小升初考试试卷英语 时量:25分钟总分:50分 I语法:从下列各题所给的三个选项中,选择最佳答案。(共10分,每小题1分) ()1. This is _____eraser, and you can see my name on _____eraser. A. an. ,the B a, the C. an,/ ()2. The boy is Bob Green. His_____ is Bob. A. family name B. middle name C. first name ()3. My sister and I _____in the reading room. A .is B. be C. are ()4. Are you going the Great Wall this summer? A. to visit B .visit C. visiting ()5.I don' t like eating _____,but I have three_____. A. chickens, chicken B. chicken, chicken C. chicken, chickens ()6. Does Jimmy sit _____your right? A. in B. on C. by ()7.I_____my key everywhere, but I didn’t _____it. A. found; look for B. look for; found C. looked for, tins ()8.Many students in our school enjoy _____in class. A. listening music B. listening to music C listen to music ()9.This term Miss Li teaches English and we love _____very much. A. our; her B. us. ;she C. us. her ()10. -Would you like some green tea? _____I'm very thirsty.(口渴的) A. No thanks. B. Yes, please. C. No, just a little. Ⅱ完形填空。(共10分,每小,题1分) 闼读下而的短文,根搭其内容从A、B、C3个选项中迭出最住答案。 Hi, I'm Sally. I have two good ___11__ Gina and Linda. They are twins(双胞胎姐妹)___12__, last name is White. They come _13_____.They are both in Class two, Grade Eight. The two girls are tidy( 整洁的). In their room, some __14___ and CDS are in the bookcase. The__15__schoolbags are on the table. A model car is on the table, too. Next to(紧邻)the model car is a picture.___16__girls are in the picture. Do you_17___ who they are! Well, they are the twins and I. Look There is a_18___ under the table, it's Gina’s, Gina likes sports,__19__ Linda doesn’t. She likes reading books, Gina and I always play volleyball on the playground. _20___and I always read in the classroom. I really like these two American friends ()11. A friends B. students C. teachers ()12. A. Her B. us C. their ()13. A. China B. America C. American ()14. A. apples B. hooks C. jackets ()15 .A. girl’s B. girls' C. girl ()16. A. Two B. Three C. Four ()17. A. call B. find C. know ()18.A basketball B. soccer ball C. volleyball ()19.A. and B. but C. so ()20.A. Linda B. Gina C. White Ⅲ阌读理解(共10分,每小题2分) Dear Wen Jing, Today is December 12, I get early this morning, After breakfast my cousin Linda takes me to Mikes birthday party, Mike is Linda’s good friend, but I don’t know him. Of course I don’t know where his house is. Oh, Linda knows the way to his house. At about eight o'clock we get to mike's house Mike is very friendly, and I like him very much. I have fun at his party. And I know a lot about Mikes family. His parents are teachers, but they don't work in the same school. Mike has two sisters, they are Susan and Alice. They both like sports. And they both have pen pals in China, just like me. Who do you know is Alice's pen pal? Her pen pal is Zhang Xuefeng. He's your cousin, Isn’t it interesting? Your Helen ( ... ...

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