

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:52次 大小:2535551Byte 来源:二一课件通
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绝密★启用前 试卷类型:A Oh!"Miss Lee said. a little surprised. She had thought that Mary was refusing to answer 戚海市2018年初中学业考试 Now that she undcrstood, her anger faded away."Thank you. Vimala " she said Then she tumed 英语 he front of the class 注欢事顶: I1s a clamp, " she said. "We can put it on a mctal stand (A ) and use it t hold th 东试奏共§。具羽0分,考汽叶间叩分钟,考试热来后,本试和答题十一并 ¨趱、考生舞必用囚.5耄米黩色宇笔许门己的姓名,考生号,庄号填写在签题卡和试卷規定 Well. you got it right at last "Miss Lee said with a bricf smile. But you'd better not do any 柱【上, cAper our glasses have been repaired. You can watch Vimala while she does the 需受涂卡蚊小尟、选出器案后,用2}笔把答题卡上对应题目的答裳标号涂黑;加需改动,用 灾干净导、志涂其他答号,答隶选在減态上无效 ds disappeared. The smile disappeared from Miss Lee's face and she 4.非选是必須冏0.5毫米黑乞答字笔作答,答必须写在答题卡指定区内相症的住五,写在试卷 at Mary who peered at her and smiled weekk 上岭答衾无效;如改动,夫划锌炁来的,煞后再写上斩的 不能使閂涂改液跤带纸、修正管 不按以上要求作答的答无效 C. They were left at home 一、阅读理解(共五篇短文,共25小题,计30分。其 小題1分; 闷读A、B篇,从文后毎小题λ、B、C选项屮选择最诖答案。诮将答案编号澹卡 C. a math 3. Why couldn't mary Lcc's q didnt kno playing at school. Mary w and shy girl but Vimala liked her. Whil glasses fell olf and broke. Just then Miss Lee was saving rang and they had to hurry to thcir scien couldnt the teacher was holdin cc"Vimala saw storm ds climh lt But we'd better hu Miss Lces face. " m Miss Lees class said of the le Idy B a heavy storm was coming C. Miss Lee was becoming angry 5. Which of 4么 very strict tcachcr. Miss Lec held ap a clamp(夹具)dsid,Wu的 plaincd I crystals. Then she started to question the class. Nobody A. Mary was d shy and also as blind as a bat B. Miss Lee was a do we call it? All the girl: and sc ' n, while she looked heads for one C. Mary knew what a clamp was used for the class. She stood up and peered at Miss Lcc, baut sls 1Lcrv'o1 ous a bit and did s people”-popl have artificial人T的)b fiss Lec repealed her question, This time she spoke more slowly and there was anger in ha the hands on her knees that ll tew vears ag possible for Kitts aboul rushed(挤坏)hct ul it or ui that she couldn Vimala guessed what said,“E: she can see the clamp clearly "Then she sat down praying (N'N)tInt the ceiling would not fa operation, a doctor noved Kitt nerves her uppy 英试妒1贸(共‖ 萸语试题第2旷(共8

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