
Unit 6 Planting Trees 课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:40次 大小:2461322Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件18张PPT。Unit 6 Planting TreesReview:Let’s read.paint/painted 绘画 plant/planted 种植 watch/watched 看 wash/washed 洗cook/cooked 煮help/helped 帮助call/called 打电话listen/listened 听翻开导学案35,完成Step1.自学检测1.Did Jenny have classes yesterday? 2.What did Jenny do on Tree Planting Day? 3.Did Jenny plant trees last year? 4.What did Jenny do the year before last year? 5.What does Jenny usually do on Tree Planting Day?带着问题听story的录音,尝试找出答案Did you have classes yesterday?No,I didn’t. It was the Tree Planting Day yesterday. The Tree Planting Day ? What did you do?I planted some trees. Did you plant trees last year?Yes , I did. What did you do the year before that?I planted some trees , too. And did you plant trees …?Of course,Gogo!What?I usually plant trees on the Tree Planting Day!Let’s read.Gogo: Did you have classes yesterday?Jenny:No,I didn’t. It was the Tree Planting Day yesterday. Gogo: The Tree Planting Day ?What did you do?Jenny: I planted some trees. Gogo: Did you plant trees last year?Jenny: Yes , I did. Gogo: What did you do theyear before that?Jenny: I planted some trees , too. Gogo: And did you plant trees …?Jenny: Of course,Gogo!Gogo: What?Jenny:I usually plant trees on the Tree Planting Day!Group work: 小组合作,和你的小伙伴自由操练story的内容。 Role play:角色扮演 Let’s check:1.Did Jenny have classes yesterday? 2.What did Jenny do on Tree Planting Day? 3.Did Jenny plant trees last year? 4.What did Jenny do the year before last year? 5.What does Jenny usually do on Tree Planting Day?No ,she didn’t.She planted some trees.Yes ,she did.She planted some trees,too.She usually plants trees on Tree Planting Day. Let’s do:英汉互译1.Did you have classes yesterday? _____ 2. It was Tree Planting Day yesterday. _____ 3.I usually plant trees on Planting Day yesterday! _____ 4.你昨天做了什么? _____ 5.我种了一些树。 _____ 6.你去年植树了吗? _____ 你昨天上课了吗?昨天是植树节。在植树节,我通常都会植树。What did you do yesterday?I planted some trees.Did you plant trees last year?Practice:翻开导学案35,完成当堂练习第一题。Trees are good for us. 树木对我们有好处。 Let’s plant more trees. 让我们植更多的树。 Make our earth be more green and beautiful. 让我们的地球更美丽。Thank you !

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