
Unit 3 Do you want some rice? 课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:29次 大小:2639925Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件29张PPT。I’d likea Cokea hamburgera sandwich(顾客)(服务员)What would you like? / Can I help you?I’d likea Coke.a hamburger.a sandwich.two hamburgers.two sandwiches.a cup of tea.I’d likesome fishsome chickensome beef(顾客)(服务员)What would you like? / Can I help you?I’d likesome fish.some chicken.some beef.some coffee.some milk.some juice.湘少版五年级上册Unit 3 Do you want some rice? soupvegetablestomato tomatoes somepotato potatoes someDo you want somerice ? soup?vegetables?tomatoes ?chicken ?breakfastlunchdinnerWhat would you like for breakfast /..?Breakfast : I'd like some...and some...Lunch:Dinner:I'd like a ...and some ...I'd like some ...and a ...ricebreaddumplingsnoodleschicken milksandwiches a hamburgerfishsoupeggs juiceThe children are having lunch in Dongdong ’s home.Mrs Chen A: Do you want some rice, Peter? B: Yes,please. Thank you, Mrs Chen.No.1No.2 A: Do you want some soup , Anne? B: Yes,please, Mrs Chen.No. 3 A:Do you want some soup, Dondong? B: No, Mum. I want some more vegetables, please.No.4 A: Here you are. B: Thank you ,Mum.Let’s Practice:--Do you want some soup? --Yes, please. / No, thank you.Let’s Read:1.Where is Lingling ’s dog? --Her dog sits under the table. 2.Does her dog like the noodles? --Yes, he does. 3.Does her dog like the pepper? --No, he doesn’t.Review:Hide and find !7.soup4.dinner2.vegetable8.tomato3.lunch1.potato6.breakfast5.soup小火车 开起来1. soup 5. vegetable 2. lunch 6. dinner 3. potato 7. breakfast 4. tomato 8. supper --Do you want some noodles? --Yes, please./ No, thank you.Thank you!

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