
外研版八下Module10 Unit3 Language in use period 2习题

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:86次 大小:1854464Byte 来源:二一课件通
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21世纪教育网 –中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 外研版 八下 Module 10 习题四 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子 1. She has d _____that she will be a doctor in the future. 2. The announcer tells the l_____ what programme comes next. 3. We must p_____ the room for the meeting. 4. We are s _____at his success. 5. ———What does your father do ———He’s a sports r_____. 二、选择适合的选项 ( ) 1.——— Hi, Tony! Do you know_____ ——— Yes, there is a coffee shop at the corner of the street. A、when I can get a cup of coffee B、when can I get a cup of coffee C、where I can get a cup of coffee D、where can I get a cup of coffee ( ) 2. I remember _____my father play the violin at home very often when I was young. A.to listen to B. listening to C.to hear D. hearing ( ) 3.They all _____Laura about building a museum here. A. waited for B. handed in C. agreed with D. knocked at ( ) 4.——— What did Tom say to you just now, John ——— He asked_____. A、why I am so happy today B、what will I do for the weekend C、who did I play football with after school D、if I could go to the movie with him tonight ( ) 5. Parents often ask their kids _____their Internet friends because the kids may be in danger. A.to meet B.not to meet C.meeting D.not meeting 三、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Do you know who agreed_____ (have) the meeting yesterday 2.I heard that he_____(swim)in the sea yesterday. 3. The students were so excited because the teacher agreed_____ (take) them to the museum. 4. We all enjoy _____ (eat) apples and bananas. 5. He checked his homework carefully to avoid _____ (make) mistakes. 四、补全对话,每空一词。 Dave: Hi, Mona! I am going to have a birthday ___1____. I want to have it on Saturday evening. Can you come Mona: Oh, I am going to ____2___ my grandfather on Saturday evening. Dave: What about Sunday Mona: I have to take the piano lessons. Dave: Oh! When are you ___3____ then Mona: Well, Friday is fine. Dave: Friday That’s tomorrow! OK. We can have it then. Can you ask Ali to ____4___ us Mona: Sure. When and where shall we meet Dave: Near our school gate at half ___5____ four. Mona: Great! See you then! Dave: Bye! 五、完形填空 Do you want to be a TV news reporter People often ask me 1 I love my job. Well, it's very exciting. I'm the first to know about important news stories. I travel around the world and I talk to people. I find out what is 2 in different places. I talk to some important and famous people. I've talked to people in the government, 3 famous sportsmen, sportswomen and film stars. I ask people to tell me about 4 lives. I want to know how they feel. A lot of people want to work in TV news, 5 you have to be energetic and creative. You have to show that you 6 do it. You must learn how to use a video camera, to write reports, and to speak to the camera. What's the best 7 to learn Your school or college TV station is a good place to 8 , but you have to get a job! Most people start with an unpaid job, so they can 9 . The best place to lear ... ...

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