
小学英语牛津深圳版 三下第17-18周周清试题(含答案)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:32次 大小:1211392Byte 来源:二一课件通
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21世纪教育网 –中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 三_年级第 17-18 周测试题 一、单项选择 ( )1. -- What colour is the sky --_____ A. It's blue. B. They're blue. C. It's green. ( )2. —Is this your doll --_____ A. Yes, I do. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is. ( )3. --_____is the candy -- It's sweet. A. How B. What C. How many ( )4. ____eyes are big. A. It B. I C. Its ( )5. --Do you like ____ --Yes, I do. A. elephant B. lion C. sheep ( )6. —What's this —_____ A. It's green. B. They are hats. C. It's my hat. ( )7. --What drinks do you like —_____ A .I like singing. B. I like toys. C. I like milk. ( )8 .Look at my ____. It's cool. A .robots B. bike C. toy bears ( )9 .We have some ___and ____for breakfast. A. milk ,apple B. bananas , water C. biscuit , juice ( )10. I don't like this ____. A. dog B. ducks C. pigs ( )11.--What do you like doing --_____ A. I like swiming. B.I like danceing. C.I like painting. ( )12.--Happy birthday,Alice. --_____ A. Happy birthday. B.Thank you. C.I’m nine. ( )13.Here___ some orange juice for you. A. is B.are C. ’s ( )14.--Don’t throw stones. --_____ A. Thank you. B.I’m sorry. C. Goodbye. ( )15.--How old are you --_____ A. I’m fine. B.I’m ten. C.Thank you. ( )16.I have two long _____ and two big _____. A. leg,feet B.legs,foot C.legs, feet ( )17--Happy _____ Day. A. Mother’s B.mother’s C.Mothers’ 二、阅读理解 A Hello, I am Lucy. I like beautiful things. I like green, red, yellow and white .My mother gives me a ball, but I don’t like it .Because it is black. My friend, Marry. She is fat. Because she eats ice cream and candy everyday. She likes sweet food .She doesn’t like lemon, because it is sour. She is my best friend. We go to school by school bus every morning. 判断下列各题,对的写T,错的写F. 1. Lucy likes red and yellow. ( ) 2. Lucy likes black. ( ) 3. Marry is a thin girl. ( ) 4. Marry likes to eat sour food. ( ) 5. We go to school on foot every morning. ( ) B I have a little brother. He is Peter. He is three years old. He likes animals very much, like pandas, monkeys, bear and elephant. But he doesn’t like tigers and lions, because they are dangerous. He go to the zoo every weekend. He also likes to eat and play. Toy bears and robots are his favourite toys. He likes biscuits and oranges juice. He is cute. 从A,B,C中选出正确的答案。 1. How old is Peter ( ) A. Four years old. B. Three years old. C. Six years old. 2. Why doesn’t Peter like tigers and lions ( ) A. Because they are lovely. B. Because they are strong. C. Because they are dangerous. 3. What does Peter like to play ( ) A. He likes flying kites. B. He likes swimming and skating. C. He likes playing toy bears and robots. 4. What food does he like ( ) A. He likes bread and egg. B. He likes biscuits and orange juice. C. He likes candy and ice cream. 5. How is Peter ( ) A. He is cute. B. He is beautiful. C. He is a boy. C Hello, I am Kitty. Today is my birthday. There are many friends come to my home, I get a lot of gifts. Lily likes singing and dancing, she sing ... ...

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