
Unit 2 We’re going to do some research 课件

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:75次 大小:2675374Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件31张PPT。rereasch (调查;研究)[New words]find (找到;发现)information (信息)study (学习)think (想;思考)report (报告) What are we going to do today?We're going to do some research.[part A]We're going to read and find information.And we're going to collect pictures.We're going to write a report.We're going to study and think.I saw a film about Panda movie. What kind of animal is Panda? What do they like? I am going to do some research (调查) about panda.[Report on Panda](1) I am going to read some books about Panda.(2) I am going to find some information (寻找一些信息) about Panda. (3) I am going to collect some pictures about Panda.(4) I am going to study and think (研究并思考) about Panda.(study) 1.What do you know about panda? 2.Are they big? 3.what's panda favorte food? 4.Where do they live? They live on mountains or forests. Now we can write a report (报告).(Think) Report on Panda Panda are very big and cute.An adult panda has more than 100 kg. They are very like eating bamboos. They live on mountains and forests. (5) I write a report about panda1.read some books4.study and think2.find some information3.collect some pictures5.write a report[part B]Do some research 小小研究不简单 Read some books. Find some information. Collect some pictures. Study and think. Write a report.Tests for scientists 科学家小考验考你记忆力,请连线 Read some pictures Find a report Collect and think Study some information Write some books 考你逻辑力,请排序(page.6) Study and think. Write a report. Read some books. Collect some pictures. Find some information. Read some books. Find some information. Collect some pictures. Study and think. Write a report. 今天学的写报告顺序, 你都记住了吗?What are we going to collect?We're going to collect picture.do find read write collectsome research information a report pictures books What are we going to do?[part c]Read them(男生女生分别提问并且回答。)1.What are we going to collect? We're going to collect picture. 2.What are we going to do? We're going to do research. 3.What are we going to read? We're going to read books. 4.What are we going to find? We're going to find information. 5.What are we going to write? We're going to write a report.我已经学会这个句型了,你呢?Enm...好累呀,Miss Guan该下课了吧... Thank you studens. Class is over, see you tomorrow!

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