
新目标(Go for it)版七年级下Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?Section A Period 1 (1a- 2c)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:100次 大小:8775029Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件38张PPT。Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?Section A Period 1 (1a- 2c) Enjoy a video! Zookeepers WantedDo you like animals? What animals do you like? Why? What do you know about them? And what can you do for them? Come and join us! Griffin (招聘动物园看守)招聘大通关Test1 What animals do you know?Test 2 What animals do you like? Why?Test 4 What can you do for animals? Test 3 Where are the animals from?koalaslionsgiraffespandastigerselephantsSay their names!Test 1What animals do you know? Can you guess what animals they are? lion pandaelephant koala tiger giraffeAct and Guess one student act and other students guess!cute lazyscaryfriendlyDescription words(adj.)funbeautifulBomb Game1.Read after the teacher 2.When there is a bomb ,don’t read. 3 If someone read, we say bomb, bomb to them.Match the words with the animals in the picture.tiger ___ elephant ___ koala ___ panda ____ lion ____ giraffe ____e1acfadbtiger ___ elephant ___ koala ___ panda ____ lion ____ giraffe _____1bListen and check the (√) the animals you hear in 1a.√√√ Listen and complete the conversations. Conversation1 A:Let's see the _____ first. They're my favorite animals. B:Why? A:Because they're very_____. Conversaton 2 A:Let's see the_____. B:Why do you want to see them? A:Because they're _____. Conversation 3 A:Let's see the _____ now.I like _____. B:Why? A:Because they're _____. koalaskoalaspandascutegiraffesbeautifulinteresting1bTest 2What animals do you like? Why?cute interesting shy friendly cool strong smart lazy beautiful Pair work: A: Let’s see the pandas first. B: Why do you want to see them? A: Because they’re cute. Where are _____from?Pandas are from_____.pandasChinaWhere are the pandas from?Test3 Where are_____from?They are from_____.giraffes AfricaWhere are _____from?They are from_____.lionsSouth AfricaThey are from_____.Where are koalas from? Australia_____?Where are elephants fromThey are from_____.Thailand_____? Listen and write the animals, then draw lines to match the information. pandaskoalaslions2aListen again and complete the conversationJulie: Let’s see the _____. John: Why do you like them? Julie: Because they’re _____ interesting. John: Where are they from? Julie: They are from _____.pandaskind ofChina2b有点儿Zookeepers WantedDo you like animals? What animals do you like? Why? What do you know about them? And what can you do for them? Come and join us! Griffin (招聘动物园看守) Apply for (申请)the Zoo KeeperSa is the big boss and the manager (管理者)of the whole zoo. Sb, Sc, Sd(Se/Sf): you are applying (申请) for elephants’ keeper, pandas’ keeper, lions’ keeper and so on(等等)Task You can report like this. Sa: Welcome to the zoo. We need some zoo keepers. What animals do you like? Why? And where are they from? Sb: They are... They are from... I like them because they are... Sc: They are... They are from... I like them because they are... Sd(Se/ Sf): …… Sa: Thank you for your applying. I decide to choose… as the zoo keeper. Judgement:1. ... ...

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