
Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious Writing课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:23次 大小:1889964Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件26张PPT。Unit 2WritingI think that mooncakes are deliciousReview the 12 months and the Chinese festival we learned. Finish the calendar 2017Revision中国节日知多少 教师从每组找同学上黑板书写学过的中国传统节日,并教同学们读。 可加1分。Task 1What’s your favorite Chinese festival? My favorite Chinese festival is …月份接龙 教师抽取任意组,以S形依次说出12个月份并进行拼读,说不出的同学说“festival”,由下一名同学继续说。说对加1分。Task 2When is it celebrated(被庆祝)?… is celebrated in … eg. The Spring Festival is celebrated in January.My favorite festival is _____, It is celebrated in _____.What do people do?Task 3 During this festival, people can… eat some dumplins and tasty dishes. get some gift money play fireworks Visit our relatives … The Spring Festival What do people do?The Spring Festival My favorite festival is _____, It is celebrated in _____. During this festival , people can _____. During this festival, people can… eat yuanxiao watch lanterns guess riddles … The Lantern FestivalThe Lantern Festival My favorite festival is _____, It is celebrated in _____. During this festival,people can _____. During this festival, people can… eat zongzi watch the dragon boat race memorize Qu Yuan … The Dragon Boat FestivalThe Dragon Boat Festival My favorite festival is _____, It is celebrated in _____. During this festival,people can _____. During this festival, people can… share the mooncakes with their families admire the full moon carry people’s wishes to the families they love and miss The Mid-Autumn FestivalThe Mid-Autumn Festival My favorite festival is _____, It is celebrated in _____. During this festival,people can _____. Why do you like it so much?Task 4 Talk about your feelingsA: What is your favourive festival? B:_____. A: Why do you like_____? B: It’s my favorite festival because _____.Write a short passage Write a letter to your pen pal and tell him or her about your favorite Chinese festival. Use the notes in 3a.Task 5Dear …, My favorite Chinese festival is_____.It is celebrated in_____.During this festival, people can_____.It’s my favorite festival because_____. It makes me feel_____. Yours, … Show TIimeHomework: 1.共性作业:抄写2单元的单词。 中秋节即将来临,制作英文的中国传统节日贺卡。 2.A层作业:完成练习册P10-14. 3.B层作业: 完成练习册P10-12. 4.C层作业:完成练习册P10-11.Celebrating Chinese festival Developing Chinese traditional culture.过中国传统节日,传承中华传统文化Thank you!

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