
Moudle4 Unit 3 Language in use 第二课时 课件+教案+习题

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:87次 大小:7234490Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Module 4 Seeing the doctor 外研版 八年级下册 Unit 3 Language in use(第2课时) Review 1.觉得病了 2.多久;多长时间 3.自从星期五以来 4.大约三天了 5.感冒 6.量某人的体温 7.快餐 8.问题就在这里 9.太多时间 10.对……有害 11.例如 12.服药 Look at these sentences. feel ill how long since Friday for about three days catch a cold take sb.’s temperature fast food That’s the problem too much time be harmful to… such as take the medicine illness have a toothache have a fever have a cough have a headache have a stomachache How long have you been like this I have been like this for 3days . I have been like this since 3 days ago . I have a cold, what can I do You can go to see the doctor and have a rest. Lead in I have a _____, what can I do You can go to see the dentist and have some medicines. toothache I _____, what can I do You can have some medicines and have a rest. have a fever 21cnjy.com Some children have some problems. Can you give them some advice Presentation Read the passage and match the problems with the advice. What can I do I would like to take more exercise, but I have not found a favourite sport. The coach has not chosen me to play in the football team because I am not fit, and I am not a good player. I went running in the park to get fit, but I felt lonely and sad. What can I do — Alan I went to school by bus in the past, and I did not feel fit. So last month I decided to take more exercise and started walking to school. I have walked to school for three weeks now. I am getting a lot fitter and I feel healthier. The problem is, all my friends take the bus to school and I do not have anyone to talk with on the way! What can I do —Barbara I love playing computer games with my friends. I also watch TV and eat fast food. I know it is not healthy and sometimes I get a stomachache. The problem is, I do not know how to stop and become fitter and healthier. I do not want to spend all my life sitting in a chair. What can I do — John Read and answer: Why Alan was not chosen to play in the football team 2.What’s Barbara's problem 3.Is John’s life style healthy Because he is not fit, and he is not a good player. All her friends take the bus to school but she walk to school, so she does not have anyone to talk with on the way. No, it isn't. Match the problems with the advice. 1. b 2. a 3. c a) Walking has helped you get fitter, so why not ask a friend to walk to school with you b)How about asking a friend to go running with you Have you practised to improve your football skills c) Why not turn off the computer and TV and join a sports club Go with your friends so that you will still spend time together. And how about choosing some healthy food to eat Pairwork Work in pairs. Do you have similar problems Talk about your advice. Listen and complete the passage. Listening The man feels _____. He is hot and _____. He has been like this for about _____. He has got a temperature and a _____ but ... ...

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