
鲁教版九年级英语:Unit 10 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 6.Section A (3a-3c) 优质课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:57次 大小:2278700Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件22张PPT。To all my dear students: I Remember Now you are going to graduate With so many sweet memories Challenging on our sports days Overcoming difficulties in our studies I remember the time you spent with me As beautiful as a colorful picture Try your best from now on Have a wonderful future overcomev. 克服What kind of writing is this? A story. B. A play. C. A poem .A poem Unit 10 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 6.Section A (3a-3c)在情境中理解overcome, caring, ours等生词。 了解英语诗歌中的诗节及押韵,找出押韵词,并尝试使用。 根据关键词推断作者的感受,有感情地朗读诗歌。 回顾初中生活,谈论毕业感受,并尝试以诗节的形式表达。 学习目标What is the main subject of this writing? Who do you think the writer is?Let’s read the title of the poem and predict:PredictionA student who is going to graduate.To write memories of four years’ school life.How many stanzas are there in this poem.SkimmingEight stanzas诗节 Experiences or memories about the past: Stanzas_____. Feelings about having to leave: Stanzas_____.1–67, 8ScanningRead the poem carefully and match the stanzas with the main ideas: Read stanzas 1-6, list the things the writer remembers.Detailed readingThe writer remembers: · _____for morning readings · _____ when the lunch bell rings · training for _____ each year · start _____ in Grade 6 · making _____ slowly · _____ each other with homework · _____ art festivals · _____ at New Year’s Parties · _____ English trying to be on timerunningsports dayday onesome new friendshelpingpreparing forhaving funlearningRead again and cirle the key words to infer the writer’s feelings.The writer feels: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____nervous / hard / …runninghungry /excited / …excitement / pride / …excited / proud / …shyest / …shy / …slowly / …a little hard / …getting better / …happy / …making a mess / …sad …having fun / …happy / …challeges / work hard / …challenged / …Read Stanzas 7-8 and answer the questions: 1. What can’t the writer believe? 2. How does the writer feel about leaving the school? 3. What will the writer miss? He/she wants to cry.Detailed readingIt’s been four years.We can infer:The writer doesn’t want to leave.The school trees and flowers, and kind and caring teachers.adj.关心他人的I Rememberkind and caring teachersschool trees and flowers morning readingssports daylearning a languagestarting day onemaking friendshelping with homeworkpreparing for art festivalsNew Year’s partiesMemories are like beautiful flowers, whether they made us happy or sad, they are one of the best things in our lives.We should value our sweet memories and be grateful to our classmates and teachers.Let’s enjoy注意体会作者的情感Let’s readChoose one or two stanzas. Read emotionally (有感情地).Free talkWhat do you remember in these 4 years? How did you feel at that moment?Let’s writeTry to create a stanza.How to write a stanza?2. 每行的第一个字母大写.3.运用押韵词。1.英文诗可以是一个诗节,也可以是多个诗节.Lo ... ...

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