
初中英语新目标(Go for it)版八年级上Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?SectionA period1

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:40次 大小:3812077Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件22张PPT。 How do you make a banana milk shake?Section A Warming up What’s your favorite fruit?applesstrawberriesorangesbananaspearsteawatercoffeejuice What’s your favorite drink?milk shake奶昔(由牛奶和冰淇淋等搅制而成的混合饮料) milkei ? k / / 摇动;?抖动 Lead-inDo you like milk shake?Can you make a banana milk shake?blenderice-creambananasknifemilkWhat do we need?e l b ? n (r) d / ′ / 食物搅拌器 Step 1Peel the bananas.How do you make a banana milk shake?peel剥皮,去皮i: p l / / Step 2Cut up the bananas.putinput the bananas and ice-cream in the blender把……放入……Step 3Step 4Pour the milk into the blender.?:pourp(r)/ / 倒出;倾倒 把……倒入……Step 5Turn on the blender.turn onturn off打开关上opencloseStep 6Drink the milk shake.1a. Write these words in the blanks. peelcut up putpourturn ondrink ___Turn on the blender. ___ Cut up the bananas. ___ Drink the milk shake. ___ Pour the milk into the blender. ___ Put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender. ___ Peel three bananas.1234561b. Listen and put the instructions in order. PlayPauseStopA: I’m hungry! Let’s make a banana milk shake. B: How do you make a banana milk shake? A: Well, first peel three bananas. B: Three bananas? A: Yes. Then cut up the bananas. B: OK, I’m finished. A: Now put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender. Then pour the milk into the blender. B: Is this enough milk? A: I guess so. Next, turn on the blender. Finally, pour the milk shake into a glass and drink it. 1c. PairworkPlayPauseStop首先…… 接下来…… 然后…… 最后…… Translation First,…Next,…Then,… Finally,…Tell me what you see.Game 当场检测1. Please _____(剥) an orange for your grandma. 2. I want you to (打开)the (搅拌器)。 3. Please _____the milk _____the glass. (把……倒入) 4. How do you _____ (做) the fruit salad?peelturn onmakeI. Complete the sentences.pour intoblenderfinally then next firstA: How do you make fruit salad? B: _____ cut up three bananas, three apples and a watermelon. _____ put the fruit in a bowl. _____ put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt. _____ mix it all up.FirstNextThenFinallyII. Write these words in the blanks.Write a passage about how to make banana milk . Useful words: First,… Next,… Then,… Finally,… HomeworkThank You!

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