
Unit 5 I Love Learning English! Lesson 28 How Do I Learn English课件((共22张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:63次 大小:693544Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件22张PPT。Unit 5 I Love learning EnglishLesson 28: How Do I Learn English?The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at midsummer, and then goes away. A snow-white swan swam swiftly to catch a slowly-swimming snake in a lake. If you understand , say ''understand''. If you don't understand, say ''don't understand''.But if you understand and say ''don't understand''. how do I understand that you understand . Understand?? Tongue Twister1.Do you love learning English? 2.Do you often speak English with your classmates and friends? 3.Do you watch English TV shows and movies? 4.Do you listen to English music in your free time ? 5.Do you read English every day ? Lead-inTeresaHong Kongstorybookmagazinenewspaper make silly mistakes Teresa 特里萨(人名) Hong Kong 香港 storybook 故事书 n. magazine 杂志 n. newspaper 报纸 n. mistake 错误 n. silly 愚蠢的 adj.New wordsListen and tickSpeak English every day! Speak to a foreign friend online twice a week. Read a lot and use a dictionary! Listen to English music!Speak Chinese at home, but speak English at school. Watch English TV shows and movies! Make silly mistakes!Listen and fill in the blanks My name is Teresa. I came to Canada two years ago. Now I’m in Grade ___. My family comes from_____. I speak _____at home, but I speak _____at school every day. How do I learn English? Here are some tips.7Hong KongChineseEnglish Read a lot and use a_____! I often read English _____, magazines and_____. Sometimes I don’t understand some words. So I _____in a dictionary. Listen and fill in the blanksdictionarystorybooksnewspaperslook them up Watch English TV shows and _____! Every Sunday evening, I watch English movies. It helps a lot. I can _____ and learn English at the same time. Listen and fill in the blanksmoviesenjoy myself Listen to English music! I love music and I often listen to English songs just go on the _____! You can find the words for many songs yourself. I like to _____ the words _____. Then I can sing along with the music. It’s fun! Listen and fill in the blanksInternetwritedown Speak English every day! I _____ my English in class and after class. Don’t be afraid to make _____! Sometimes I make ___ mistakes and I _____ myself. My friends help me a lot. Listen and fill in the blankspracticemistakessillylaugh at1.So I look them up in a dictionary. 根据上句,本句 look up 译为_____,指查找与文字信息相关的资料,用名词或代词作宾语. eg. (1)Please look up his phone number. =Please look his phone number up. (2) I don’t know the meaning of the word, I’ll look it up in a dictionary. 从例句中我们可看出,look up(动副词组) 的宾语是名词时,放在look up的_____;其宾语是代词时必须放在它的_____.Language points中间或后面后面查找2. I can enjoy myself and learn English at the same time. 译:_____.   他们同时完成了作业。 _____ _____. 我可以在娱乐的同时学习英语They finished their homework at the same time3.I practice my English in class and after class. 译为:_____.in class 意为 “_____” ,after c ... ...

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