
Unit 3 My school calendar PB Let’s talk 课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:45次 大小:3276402Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件19张PPT。第二课时Let’s talk Guess:When is my birthday?It’s in September.启发思考Autumn is my favourite season . I really like the colours.When is your birthday? It's in....Let’s try√①Who are they? Oliver and Chen Jie.③When is the school trip? It’s in October.②What are they talking about? They are talking about when the trip is this year and what they will do.④ What will they do? They’ll go to the Great Wall.自主或小组探究Let’s talkOliver:I like autumn. I really like the colours. Chen Jie:I like autumn, too. We usually have a school trip in autumn. Oliver:Great! When is the trip this year? Chen Jie:It’s in October. We’ll go to the Great Wall. Oliver:Cool! I love the Great Wall!—When is the trip this year? 今年的郊游是什么时候? —It’s in October. 在十月。用法:问句句型结构为“When is ... this year?”,用来询问“今年的……是什么时候?”。有些节日、活动每年在不同的月份,比如复活节、中秋节、学校组织的旅行、运动会、某项比赛等,我们在问的时候可以在句末加上this year。 答语为“It’s in...”。考向例句:—When is Mid--Autumn Day this year? 今年的中秋节是什么时候? —It’s in September. 在九月。We’ll go to the Great Wall. 我们将去长城。用法:句型结构为“主语+will +动词原形+其他.”,用来表达“某人将要做某事。”此句型是一般将来时,一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。考向例句:We will go on a picnic this weekend. 这个周末我们将去野餐。My brother will _____football this afternoon. A. play  B. to play  C. playingA快快长大:长城长城(the Great Wall)又称万里长城,是中国古代的军事防御工程。1961年3月4日,长城被国务院公布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位。1987年12月,长城被列入世界文化遗产。Let’s talk协作交流What will you do for your mum on Mother’s Day? 在母亲节你将为你的妈妈做什么?用法:句型结构为“What will +主语 +do+其他?”。这是一个由“What”引导的一般将来时的特殊疑问句,用来询问“某人将要做什么”。 例句:What will you do for your father on Father’s Day? 在父亲节你将为你的爸爸做什么?考向S1:What will you do for your mum on Mother’s day? S2:I’ll cook for mu mum. S1:How about you? S2:I’ll write a letter, tell a story and play the Pipa. S1: That sounds cool. S1: I also want to make a card for her. But I can’t do it. S2: No problem. I’ll help you. 根据上图,编写一个新对话。Words bank cook make a card, sing to her say "Thank you” write her a letter tell her a story play the Pipa for her.总结提高Words cook card the Great Wall Sentences When is the…? It’s in… What will you do? I/We will...Homework 1.Listen and recite the dialogue. 2.Finish the relevant workbook exercises. 3. Talk about with your partner what you will do on Mother’s day or Father’s day. ... ...

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