
初中英语人教版八年级上册Unit 1Section B 教学设计+导学案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:92次 大小:122030Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? Section B 2b Task1: Read the rest of the diary. Finish the timeline. (读日记剩余部分,完成时间轴) Task2: Retell Jane’s vacation on Monday by the timeline. (根据时间轴复述Jane的星期一的经历 ) Example: In the morning, Jane and her family went to the beach. She _____. It was _____. For lunch, …. In the afternoon, .... Task3: Read again and match the results with the reasons(因果连线). Task 4: Discuss in groups (小组讨论) Topic(话题): Did Jane like the weather/train/food? Why? Opinions(观点): I think Jane liked _____because…. I don’t think Jane liked _____because…. Exercise: Imagine Jane went to Penang Hill again and had a great day. Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the verbs in 2e. Then make reading notes about the day. Unit 1Section B 教学设计 教学目标 Teaching aims: (1) Knowledge aims: 1.Students can learn some new words: activity, decide, try, paragliding, feel like, bird, bicycle, building, trader, w-onder, difference, top, wait, umbrella, wet, because of, below, enough, hungry, hill. 2.Students can learn the format and basic factors of a traveling diary. 3.Students can know some information about Malaysia. 4.Students can understand and practice more about the simple past tense. (2) Ability aims: 1.Students can learn to get the main idea of each paragraph with the help of the first or the last sentence. 2.Students can be more familiar with the reading skills: skimming, scanning, guessing and careful reading. 3.Students can retell a diary according to the timeline. 4.Students can think and speak out their ideas in English. (3) Emotion aims: 1.Students learn to cooperate with each other while learning. 2.Students learn to think differently and share their thoughts with others. 学情分析 After two months, students come back to school. They forget many words and grammar. It's difficult for them to read the long diaries. They also feel shy or hard to speak English. The teacher should be very patient while teaching. What's more, students have already learned some reading skills, thus the teacher doesn't need to explain themone by one. The importance of this class is to further understanding and practicing the reading skills. 重点难点 Important points: 1.Students understand the basic factors of a traveling diary. 2.Students try to use the reading skills: skimming, scanning, guessing and careful reading. Difficult points: 1.The improvement of students’ reading skills. 2.Students try to think differently and speak out their own ideas in English. 3.Students understand and remember the basic factors of a travel diary. 教学过程 . 【讲授】教学过程 Teaching process: Stage 1. Get students ready for learning. Step 1. Greet as usual. (Class begins! Good morning, class! Sit down, please!) Step 2. Free talk about the teacher’s traveling photo in Malaysia. (After two months, you come back to our school. How about your vacation? Did you have a good time? Where did you go? Do you want to know my vacation? Lo ... ...

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