
Unit 5 Memories Lesson 14 Grandpa’s Memories 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:28次 大小:11723Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 Memories Lesson 14 Grandpa’s Memories 同步练习 1. I had a p ? in my head last night, but now I feel better. 2. His life is always f ? with hope and happiness. 3. They want to see the w ? place in the world, the Brazilian rainforest. 4. His family was too poor, so he had to live in a t ? cottage(茅屋). 5. The boy reads English for an hour every morning, so he makes p_____ ?. 1. You can also share your _____ ?(不悦) with your close friends. 2. This book has a great _____ ?(影响) on the children. 3. Don't _____?(提及) that. I've forgotten it. 4. I write to my mother every week,_____ ?(主要地) on Sundays. 5. _____(幸运的是), I wasn't hurt badly. 1. Teaching little children is _____, but the teachers always _____. A. a hard work, to work hard B. hard work, to work hard C. a hard work, work hard D. hard work, work hard 2. A minute, please. You _____ your room soon. A. will show B. will be shown C. show D. are showed 3. _____ the students like playing football. A. Two thousand of B. Thousands of C. Two thousand D. B and C 4. It was _____ bad weather _____ they all had to stay at home. A. such a… that B. such… that C. so… that D. too… to 5. Amy _____ spend all her pocket money, but now she _____ saving some of it. A. was used to, used to B. used to, is used to C. used to, used to D. was used to, is used 6. He didn’t come to work _____ his illness. A. because B. because of C. if D. however 7. I think _____ is enough food to eat during the winter. A. they all need B. all of their need C. all they need D. they need all 8. I’m sorry. I still have some problems _____. A. solving B. to solve C. being solved D. to be solve 9. When will you go back to your hometown?_____ next week. A. Sometime B. Some time C. Sometimes D. Some times 10. –Emma has been ill for a week. Is she all right now? –_____. The teacher says she can come to school tomorrow. A. I hope not. B. I don’t think so. C. I’m afraid so. D. I think so. ?Life in the year 3044 is very different 1 ? life in the 21st century. We still do many of the things you do, but we do them 2 . For example, we now have e-friends to help us and keep our company. An e-friend is a machine that looks just 3 ? a human being. It can walk and talk and can do almost 4 ?we human beings can do. My e-friend is like me a lot and we have 5 ? fun together. It helps me 6 ? my homework and we often go swimming. It is programmed to take care of me if anything 7 ?, so I always feel safe when we are together. It can also send me messages, just like old-fashioned e-mails, and I download information from its memory. It's great 8 ? friend—I am never lonely and I always have someone to talk 9 ?. 1. A. of B. from C. in D. with 2. A. different B. difference C. differently D. differences 3. A. like B. for C. at D. up 4. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 5. A. many B. a number of C. a lot of D. the number of 6. A. with B. at C. on D. doing 7. A. will happen B. happens C. happened D. is going to happen 8. A. h ... ...

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