
Lesson 1 I have a new sweater 课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:87次 大小:1776930Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件17张PPT。Lesson1 I have a new sweater.Unit2 ClothesIt’s lovely.I love it.like喜欢美好的,可爱的sweaterheadbreadLook at my sweater! 瞧瞧我的毛衣!too smallMy sweater is . too smallWhat happened?接下来发生了什么?I have a new sweater. It’s _____. Watch the video and fill in the blank.cool观看动画并填空What does Jenny say? Jenny对李明说了什么?Thank you! I love it.?You have a new sweater. It’s lovely!Thank you! I love it.Thank you! I love it.Look! I have a new sweater/... Thank you! It’s cool/lovely. A:B: A:Make a dialogue in pairs. (两人一组对话练习)Spring Festival (春节)Have you got any gifts ? 小朋友们收到礼物了吗? Let’s show it! 快来展示一下吧!A:Look! I have a new… . B: It’s … . It’s…A:Thank you!可选用单词:red blue green yellow white black cool lovely nice A: Hello.B: Hello!Let’s find.给这些字母找找家。uicece- cream itehjikand_____Byebye

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