
Unit 3 Weather PB 复习课件 +素材

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:97次 大小:14309758Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件69张PPT。Unit 3 Part B Weather 创设情境sunnysnowyrainycloudywindyWhat’s the weather like today? It’s … sunnywindyrainysnowycloudyHarbinBeijingHong KongLhasacoldhotwarmcool5℃26℃30℃15℃It’s 5 degree. It’s cold in Harbin.启发思考HarbinBeijingHong KongLhasacoldhotwarmcool5℃26℃30℃15℃It’s ——— degree. It’s _____ in _____这里是世界天气。rainyWhat’s the weather like in New York?New york 纽约It’s rainy.It’s cool and rainy.Toronto 多伦多snowyWhat’s the weather like in Toronto?It’s snowy.It’s cold and snowy.London 伦敦cloudyWhat’s the weather like in London?It’s cloudy.It’s warm and cloudy.windyIt’s windy.BeijingIt’s warm and windy.How about Beijing? 那么北京呢?sydney 悉尼How about Sydney?sunnyIt’s sunny.It’s hot and sunny.Moscow 莫斯科snowyWhat’s the weather like in Moscow?Is it rainy?No, it isn’t. It’s snowy.Singapore 新加坡cloudyWhat’s the weather like in Singapore?Is it sunny?No, it isn’t. It’s cloudy.Chen JieMark1摄氏度等于33.8 华氏度Let’s play自主或小组探究 之活动探究认识国旗 美 国 加拿大 英 国 中 国澳大利亚What’s the weather like in Beijing?It’s cool and rainy.Play roles合作探究What’s the weather like in New York?It’s cool and windy.What’s the weather like in Toronto?It’s cold and sunny.What’s the weather like in …?It’s ….Hello, Everyone! Here is the world map.自主探究What’s the weather like in Moscow? It’s cold. It’s cold and snowy.Moscow snowy 下雪的What’s the weather like in Moscow? It’s cold and snowy.寒冷而且下雪。LondonWhat’s the weather like in London ? It’s cold. It’s cold and rainy. rainy 多雨的What’s the weather like in London ? It’s cold and rainy.寒冷而且多雨。What’s the weather like in Beijing? It’s cool. It’s cool and windy.What’s the weather like in Beijing? It’s cool and windy. windy 多风的凉爽而且多风。SingaporeWhat’s the weather like in Singapore ? It’s hot. It’s hot and cloudy. cloudy 阴天的What’s the weather like in Singapore ? It’s hot and cloudy.炎热而且阴天。SydneyWhat’s the weather like in Sydney ? It’s hot. It’s hot and sunny. sunny阳光充足的What’s the weather like in Sydney ? It’s hot and sunny.炎热而且阳光充足。snowy rainy windy cloudy sunny下雪的 多雨的 多风的 阴天的 阳光充足的 What's the weather like?What's the weather like?What's the weather like?What's the weather like?snowyWhat's the weather like?snowyWhat's the weather like?snowyWhat's the weather like?snowyWhat's the weather like?snowywindyWhat's the weather like?snowywindyWhat's the weather like?snowywindyrainyWhat's the weather like?snowywindyrainyWhat's the weather like?snowywindyrainyWhat's the weather like?snowywindyrainycloudyRead and answer.协作交流Hi , John ! How are you ? I’m in Sydney now . It’s great ! It’s hot and sunny here . The water is warm . I can swim outside . Is it cool and windy in Beijing ? Can you fly you kite ? love, Dad 1.What is the weather like in Sydney ? 2.Is the water cold in Sydney? 3.Can john’s dad swim outside ?1.What is the weather like in Sydney ? 2.Is ... ...

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