
Lesson 1 Can I help you?课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:57次 大小:4625548Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件19张PPT。Unit 5 Shopping Lesson1Can I help you?toys bustoy cartoyfastWatch and answer:What does Li Ming want?A: A book. B: A toyRead the second paragraph and answer: (阅读第二段文本,回答):What does the shop assistant say? (售货员说了什么?)Can I help you?I’d like a toy ,pleaseWatch again and answer:Does Li Ming want a toy bus? Why?Does Li Ming want a toy bus? Why?Does Li Ming want a toy bus? Why?No,he doesn’t.How about this toy bus?Does Li Ming want a toy car? Why?Yes,he does.Li Ming likes the toy car. What does mum say?All right!We’ll take it.Can I help you?I’d like a toy, please.How about this monkey?Oh, it’s lovely. I’ll take it.Let's practiceLet's practiceFill in the blanks(填空) :Can I help youA: ———? B: I’d like a_____,please.toyA:How about this toy_____?busB:It’s too big.A:How about this toy_____?It’s small and it’s_____.B:____ _____. We’ll _____ it.carcheap All righttakeThank you for listening.Goodbye

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