
Unit 2 Let's make a fruit salad Song time ,Sound time, Ticking time & Checkout time 课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:48次 大小:1678715Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件23张PPT。Unit 2Let's make a fruit salad(Song time ,Sound time, Ticking time& Checkout time)我能说出一些水果类单词。我会用“Do you have…” 问问题。我知道字母“h”的发音。What fruit do you know? 小组内说一说你课后学到水果类单词。fruitLet’s say :a sweetNo,thank you.Yes,please.an egga hot dogQuickly respond Tip :看到闪烁的图片,大声迅速地说出来!Let’s learn :Do you like purple grapes, Purple grapes, purple grapes? Yes, I like purple grapes. Oh! They’re nice and sweet.Do you like purple grapes?紫色的甜的Let’s learn :Do you like yellow bananas, yellow bananas, yellow bananas? Yes, I like yellow bananas. Oh! They’re nice and sweet.Do you like purple grapes?applesWhat similar words can you say? 你能说出多少同类词?Brain stormredfoursweetPurple grapes, purple grapes. Nice and sweet. I like purple grapes.bananas mangoes pineapples apples pears oranges red yellow orange green …big small sweet nice long Let’s chant :have我能说出一些水果类单词。我会用“Do you have…” 问问题。我知道字母“h”的发音。√They’re yellow fruit.Do you a/ any…?Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.Let’s guess :What do I have ?It’s nice and sweet. It’s purple.Do you a/ any…?Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.Let’s guess :What do I have ?They are sweet. They’re red and greenDo you a/ any…?Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.Let’s guess :What do I have ?show me your fruitI have a (an) …I have some …sWhat fruit do you have?Do you have aan any…s?Listen and judgeListen and judgelikehavelikehave--Do you like …? --Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. --Do you have any …? --Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. --How many … do you have? --I have … Make a dialogue :我能说出一些单水果类词。我会用“Do you have…” 问问题。我知道字母“h ”的发音。Sound timebehindhavehorsehot[ h ]hurryHelen, Helen, Please hurry. Have a hot cake with a cherry.Helen, Helen, Please _____. _____ a _____ cake with a cherry.Sound timehurryhavehot[ h ]behind have horse hot hurry he Helen Here Hello how想一想我们还学过哪些单词?我能说出一些单水果类词。我会用“Do you have…” 问问题。我知道字母“h ”的发音。班会课要求四人一组做水果沙拉,小组成员自己 分工各自带来的物品。然后第二天将带来的东西做成一盘美味的水果沙拉,最后评比出优秀作品 。 完成调查 Do you have aan…? Do you have any …s ? 2. 设计你们的水果沙拉&展示解说 This is our fruit salad. It’s nice and sweet…Task

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