
2018年秋人教版七年级英语(上)Starter Units 1-3 教学质量测试卷(含答案)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:74次 大小:15795Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2018年秋人教版七年级英语(上) Starter Units 1-3 教学质量测试卷 Ⅰ.单项选择。(20分) ( )1.早晨在校门口遇到同学时,应该怎么样打招呼? A.How are you? B.Good morning! C.Good evening! D.You're fine. ( )2.当别人向你问好时说:How are you? 你应该怎么回应呢? A.Fine, thank you. B.How are you? C.And you? D.Hello! ( )3.—Good evening, Eric. —_____, Cindy. A.Good afternoon B.Good morning C.Good evening D.I'm fine ( )4.—Good morning! —_____ A.Hello! B.I'm OK. C.Thank you. D.Good morning! ( )5.—Hello! —_____ A.Hello! B.I'm fine. C.Thank you. D.Good morning. ( )6.—Sit down,P1ease. —_____. A.OK B.Please C.Thank you D.I'm fine ( )7.—Colin,what's this in English? —_____. A.This is a pen B.It's a pen C.It's pen D.It pen ( )8.It's _____ black.It's _____ black ruler. A.a;/ B./;a C.a;a D.an; an ( )9.—_____ is that quilt? —It's black. A.What's color B.What color C.How color D.What ( )10.—What's this in English? —It's _____ orange. A.the B.an C./ D.a Ⅱ.请写出各小题相对应的缩略词。(20分) 11.小号的 _____ 12.中号的 _____ 13.大号的 _____ 14.(美国)全国篮球协会 _____ 15.激光唱片 _____ 16.硬黑 _____ 17.不明飞行物 _____ 18.中国中央电视台 _____ 19.英国广播公司 _____ 20.停车 _____ Ⅲ.从Ⅱ栏中找出与Ⅰ栏中对应的答语,并将其代号写在括号内。(20分) Ⅰ ( )21.Hello! ( )22.Goodbye. ( )23.Good evening. ( )24.How are you? ( )25.Good morning. ( )26.Spell it, please. ( )27.Good afternoon. ( )28.Nice to meet you. ( )29.What's your name? ( )30.What's this in English? Ⅱ A.Hello! B.Goodbye. C.It's a map. D.M-A-P. E.Good evening. F.Good morning. G.Good afternoon. H.Fine, thank you. I.My name is Alice. J.Nice to meet you, too. Ⅳ.连词成句。(10分) 31.English, in, this, what's(?) _____ 32.ruler, a, it's(.) _____ 33.fine,thanks, I'm(.) _____ 34.evening, Eric, good(!) _____ 35.color, is, it, what(?) _____ Ⅴ.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。(10分) 36.Tom's _____(夹克衫) is old. 37.What's your _____(名字)? 38.Alice's cat is _____(白色的). 39.There's a _____(被子) in the bed. 40.Please _____(拼写) “Please”. Ⅵ.书面表达。(20分) 早上玛丽和汤姆见面了,互相问好后,玛丽问汤姆夹克衫用英语怎么说,汤姆的夹克衫是什么颜色的。汤姆一一作答。就此情景写一段对话,开头已经给出。 Mary:Good morning,Tom! Tom:_____ Mary:_____ Tom:_____ Mary:_____ Tom:_____ 答案解析 Ⅰ.1-5 BACBA 6-10 CBBBA Ⅱ.11.S  12.M  13.L  14.NBA  15.CD  16.HB 17.UFO  18.CCTV  19.BBC  20.P Ⅲ.21-25 ABEHF 26-30 DGJIC Ⅳ.31.What's this in English? 32.It's a ruler. 33.I'm fine, thanks. 34.Good evening, Eric! 35.What color is it? Ⅴ.36.jacket  37.name  38.white  39.quilt  40.spell Ⅵ.Mary:Good__morning,Tom! Tom:Good morning,Mary! Mary:What's this in English? Tom:It's a jacket. Mary:What color is your jacket? Tom:It's green. ... ...

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