
Unit 10 Healthy eating 教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:27次 大小:8355Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 10 Healthy eating Tasks in this unit Reading about the food pyramid; talking about eating habits; writing about healthy eating; reading a modern fable about eating habits; talking about food eaten the day before; talking about daily menus and completing a survey and quiz. Period One Language focus: Using the simple present tense to express needs e.g., We need a little fat, salt and sugar Using adjectives to express quantities e.g., a little, some, plenty of, a lot of Asking How questions to find out quantities e.g. How much fruit do we need every day? Language skills: Listening Use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expression Speaking Open and maintain an interaction by asking and answering questions Reading Use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expression Materials: Student’s Book 6A page 69 Workbook 6A pages 62 Cassette 6A Cassette player Pre-task preparation Ask the students what they know about healthy eating. Ask: Do we need a lot of sugar/salt/fat every day? While-task procedure 1 Give the students time to study the food pyramid. Explain that we need less Of the foods as we go up the pyramid. 2 Play the cassette for Look and read. The students listen. 3 Ask questions about the food pyramid: e.g., How much rice, noodles and bread do we need every day? 4 Play the cassette for Look and say. The students listen. S In pairs, students practise Ask and answer. Consolidation: Workbook 6a page 62 Period Two Language focus: Using the simple past tense to talk about past states and activities e.g., Mr. Lin lived in the city. One day Mr Lin went to visit Miss Chen and had lunch with her Using adjectives to express quantities e.g., a little, some, plenty of, a lot of Asking wh- and How questions to find out various kinds of information e.g. Why was Mr Lin fat and unhealthy? What did Mr Lin like to have for lunch. How did Mr Lin become fit and healthy? Language skills: Listening Listen for specific information Speaking Maintain an interaction by asking and answering questions Reading Read written language in meaningful chunks Materials: Student’s Book 6A page 70 Cassette 6A Cassette player Pre-task preparation Ask: How do we keep fit? Do you play games? Do you walk a lot? While-task procedure 1 Give the students time to read the story silently. 2 Play the cassette. The students follow in their books. 3 Select individual students to read a sentence each. 4 Give the students time to prepare answers to the questions. Ask the questions. 5 Ask the students to do a role-play. The students play the roles of Mr Lin and Miss chen and act out the story. Consolidation Workbook 6A page 63 Period Three Language focus: Using the simple past tense to talk about past activities e.g., I had eggs and milk. Using adjectives to make comparisons e.g., healthier than, less healthy than, as healthy as, as unhealthy as Asking W ... ...

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