
人教版七年级英语上册:Unit 9 My favorite subject is scienceSection A 1a--1c课件

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课件52张PPT。Section A Period 1 (1a-1c)Unit 9 My favorite subject is scienceDo you like this game? Final challenge Round 3Round 2Round 1Rules 1. we’ll divide into 3 groups. 2.We’ll have 3 rounds and a final challenge . 3.Every round will have a password, you must remember it . 4.The group with the most Cards will be the winner. Round 1Round 2Round 3Final challenge Round1 Password subjectEnglish['i?ɡli?] Guess: What subject is it?math5(x-5)+2x=-4[m?θ]Chinese 峨嵋山月歌 李白 峨嵋山月半轮秋,影入平羌江水流。 夜发清溪向三峡,思君不见下渝州。 [,t?ai'ni:z]history ['h?st(?)r?]geography [d??'?gr?f?]music['mju?z?k]art [ɑ?t]P.E. [?pi'i]science ['sa??ns]School subjects: ChinesemusicmathhistoryartP.E.EnglishsciencegeographyGame 1:Read it as quickly as you can Game 1:Read it as quickly as you can Round1 is over Please read out your password for 3 times Round 1Round 2Round 3Final challenge Round2 Password What's your favorite subject?A: What’s your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is …….Pair work P.E.A: What’s his favorite subject? B: His favorite subject is P.E.A: What’s her favorite subject? B: Her favorite subject is musicmusicA: What’s his favorite subject? B: His favorite subject is mathmathAnnaLindaWhat subjects can you hear? science, art, math,musicEnglishChinesemathhistoryartGame2: win cards选择不同的衣服,完成答题,你可以得到2-10元! 2. 其中有个lucky choice,可以不用答题直接得红包! 3. 也有一个bomb,将把小组的资金扣除5元!P.E.musicgeographyscienceSay “My favorite subject is Chinese” in another way 1 cardI like Chinese best.病号 I favorite subject is science.处方My favorite subject is science.Let’s be a doctor!1 cardCongratulations! You’re so lucky! 2 cardsRead it out for 3times 2cardsMy favorite subject is scienceput them in order 1card1.My favorite subject is art1.My,art,subject,favorite, is Put them in order 1card1.What is your favorite subject?1.your,what,is,favorite, subjectchoose one classmate to ask his favorite subject 3cardsTraslate it into English 3cards你最喜欢的科目是什么? 我最喜欢的科目是地理。Guess:What's Linda's favorite subject? 2cardsIt is funny and relaxing. She can stay outside. She can run and jump.Her favorite subject is P.E. Round2 is over Please read out your password for 3 times Round 1Round 2Round 3Final challenge Round3 Password My favorite color is redWhat’s your favorite color?My favorite color is red.What’s your favorite fruit?My favorite fruit is oranges.What’s your favorite sport?My favorite sport is soccer.Tip:小组随机砸金蛋抽取讨论话题,根据话题编对话,并选出组长进行展示。Game3: Group Workfavorite subjectfavorite fruitfavorite colorfavorite sportTell me like this: Hello! My name is XXX. These are my friends XXX and XXX. My favorite subject/color/fruit/sport is…..and his favorite subject/color/fruit/sport is……and her favorite subject /color/ fruit/ sport is …... Round3 is over Please read out your password for 3 times Round 1Round 2Round 3Final challenge Task: make a summary Summary ... ...

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