
Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!Section A 1a-2c课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:99次 大小:3340837Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time! Section A1 (1a-2c)当堂检测 Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the words. 1. I (buy) a computer if I (have) enough money. 2. You (be) healthy if you (exercise) every day. 3. He (get) better grades if he (study) hard. 4. If you (be) late for class, your teacher (not let) you in. 5. If I (go) to the movies, I (not finish) my homework. 6. If Tina (organize) a party, her friends (help) her prepare for it. 7. The meeting (put) off if it (snow) heavily this week. 8. Please let us know if our teacher (arrive) tomorrow. 9. Don’t (cross) the road if the traffic light (be) red. 10. Shall I say “Hello” if the foreigner (come) into the classroom? 课件47张PPT。Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time! Section A 1a-2cNew WordsLet’s organize a meeting!v. 组织;筹备n. 会议;集会;会面 New Wordsvideosn. 录像带;录像organize meeting video v. 组织;筹备 n. 会议;集会;会面 n. 录像带;录像New WordsPeterAlisonAliceSamWhat will they do?Their teacher will have a class party.cdba1aMatch the statements with the pictures [a-d].Self-study Question OneListen and complete the responses in 1a.let you inbe sorrybe latehave a great time1bcdbaSelf-study Question TwoSelf-study Question Three Find out the usage ofadverbial clause of condition 引导的条件状语从句主句( 时态)从句( 时态)主将从现一般现在if一般将来由引导词if引导的状语从句叫做条件状语从句。在英文中,条件是指某一件事情实现之后(状语从句中的动作),其它事情(主句中的动作)才能发生,通常译作“如果;假如”。If it (be) sunny tomorrow, we (go) to the park.will goisIf we (go) to the park, we (have) a great time.will havegoIf you have problems, please ask your parents for help. If you want to get good grades, you must study hard. 当主句是祈使句和含情态动词can, may, must等的句子时,if引导的从句也用一般现在时。主情从现主祈从现We will have a trip if it is sunny tomorrow. If it is sunny tomorrow, we will have a trip. 在前时, 紧跟其后。 在前时,用“ ”与 隔开。Self-study Question Four从句主句,主句从句Eg. If my parents are free tomorrow, we will go to the movies. (同义句)We will go to the movies if my parents are free tomorrow.If you organize a party, what will you think about? time place people food and drinks activities …NellyMarkListen and circle the correct answers to complete the sentences below.1. The students are talking about when to have (a class party/ a class meeting/ a birthday party). 2. They plan to have it on (Friday evening/ Saturday afternoon/ Saturday evening).2a1. What will happen if they have the party today? 2. What will happen if they have the party tomorrow? 3. What will happen if they watch a video at the party? 4. What will Mark organize? 5. What will Nelly do?Half the class won’t come. Listen again. Choose the correct short answer in the box to answer each question. half the class won’t come some students will be bored make some food students will leave early the party games2b 一半的学生1. What will happen if they have the ... ...

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