
Unit 4 Astronomy_ the science of the stars Grammar 主语从句课件(46张)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:28次 大小:1964897Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件46张PPT。What can you see in the picture?What I can see is …What I can see is a face of a beautiful girl.Noun Clauses (名词性从句) Subject Clause (主语从句)Appositive Clause (同位语从句)Object Clause (宾语从句)Predicative Clause (表语从句)What I can see is a face of a beautiful girl. A book is on the desk. You are a student. Smoking is bad for you. To see him again is a pleasant thing. n.pron.infinitive phraseverbal nounFind the subject of each sentence.Find the subjects in the following sentences. That we shall be successful is certain. Which kind of food is the best is difficult to say. clauseclausesubject clauseDefinition:在句中充当主语的从句叫做主语从句。观察下列例句,指出其中所包含的主语 从句及引导词: 1. That Yao Ming will come to my city excites everybody. 该句中从句部分是 _____ ,引导词为 _____。thatThat Yao Ming willcome to my city 2. Whether we will travel abroad or not has not been decided. 该句中从句部分是 _____ _____,引导词为 _____。 3. What is needed for a long trip is careful preparation. Whether we willtravel abroad or notwhether该句中从句部分是 _____ _____,引导词为 _____。What is needed for a long tripwhatIntroductory words (引导词) 1.引导词 that ★_____the sun rises in the east and sets in the west is known to all. ★她能来帮助我们使我们很高兴。 made us very happy.That she could come to help usThat that放在句首引导主语从句,在主语从句中 不充当任何成分也无实际意义。但是不能省略。主语从句有时为了使句子结构平衡, 避免 “头重脚轻”, 常用 it 作形式主语, 而把主语从句(多由that 引导)放在后面作为真正的主语。Attention: Examples: That we should learn English well is important. That your English will be better is certain. It is certain that your English will be better.It is important that we should learn English well.Formal SubjectReal SubjectFormal SubjectReal SubjectIt + be + 形容词 + that从句It is certain that… 肯定… It is important that …. 重要的是… It is obvious that…… 很明显……It + be + -ed分词 + that从句It is said that… 据说… It is suggested that… 有人建议… It is known to us/all that …. 众所周知… It has been decided that…… 已经决定……用it作形式主语的that从句有以下四种不同的搭配句式:It + be + 名词 + that从句It is a pity that… 遗憾的是…… It is a surprise that …. 令人惊奇的是…… It is a fact that…… 事实是……It + 不及物动词 + that从句It appears/seems that… 似乎…… It happens that …. 碰巧…… It occurred to sb. that…… 某人突然想起……用it形式主语翻译下列句子:1、学生学好英语很重要。 2、已经得到证实你是对的。 3、众所周知地球是圆的。 4、真是遗憾你错过了这个机会。 It is very important that students should learn English well.It has been proved that you are right.It’s known to all that the earth is round.It’s a pity that you missed the chance.2.引导词 whether _____he'll take part in the play (or not )is unclear. Whether whether在主语从句不充当任何成分; 意为“是否”,不可使用if. _____is needed for success is your hard work._____ breaks the law should be punished. _____side will win is not clear.主 ... ...

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