

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:96次 大小:7020722Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    河北省秦皇岛市抚宁区台营学区2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期期末教学质量检测试题 卷I(共80分) 听力部分(第一节)(本节听力材料读两遍) 一.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 1. A. club?????????? B. cup????? C. cut 2. A. excited???????????????? B. relaxed C. relaxing 3. A. met B. magic C. message 4.?A. take B. still C. stick 5. A. cup ? B. job C. pop 二.听句子,选出该句最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 6. A. It’s cloudy.??? B. It’s thick.? C. It’s light. 7. A. Thank you.?? B. With pleasure . C. Very well. 8. A. I have a cold. B. You’re welcome.? C. No, I can’t. 9. A. Sorry, I don’t know. B. Certainly, good idea. C. Sure, no problem. 10. A. I like English.?? B. That was great.???? C. I went to the mountains. 三.听对话选择正确答案。(共8小题,每小题1分,计8分) 11. What will Sam do next Saturday? A. Fly a kite. B. Play football. C. Go out with Kate. 12. How is Tina different from Tara? A. Tina is taller. B. Tina’s hair is longer. C. Tina’s hair is curlier. 13. What is the weather like today? A. Hotter than yesterday. B. Cooler than yesterday. C. As hot as yesterday. 14. What does the man want? A. A longer ruler. B.A nice ruler. C. A shorter ruler. 15. What does the man mean? A. They won’t have any more cups. B. He doesn’t know why people like tea. C. They will get some more tea. **************************************************************** 16. Who is Jim talking with? A. Lucy. B. Helen. C. Alice. 17. What’s Alice’s telephone number ? A. 566558. B. 596585. C. 569558. 18. What’s Jim’s favorite sport? A. Football. B. Basketball. C. Swimming. 四.听一篇短文,回答第19至21题。(共3小题,每小题1分,计3分) 19. How are the students going to the zoo? A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By bike. 20. How many pandas are there in the zoo? A. One.??? B. Two. C. Three. 21. Where do the monkeys live? A. Near the lake. B. In the house. C. On the hill. 五. 听一篇短文,回答第22至25题。(共4小题,每小题1分,计4分) 22. When does Peter listen to music? A. When he is happy B. When he is sad. C. When he is tired. 23. What music does Peter’s father like ? A. Pop music. B. Classical music. C. Rock music. 24. Why does Peter’s mother like light music(轻音乐)? A. It makes her relaxed. B. It’s beautiful . C. It’s exciting. 25. What do Peter’s grandparents do in the morning ? A. Dancing. B. Singing Beijng opera. C. Doing some sports. 听力部分(第二节)(本节听力材料读三遍) 六.听短文填空,每空一词。(共5小题,每题1分,计5分) It always has rainy days in spring and summer. Usually, 26. _____the sky has turned dark, it seems that 27. _____will come soon. Sometimes the rain falls very28. _____.When the rain 29. _____suddenly, people going back home will find it difficult to catch a bus. On rainy days, people stay at home. Perhaps it is a good 30. _____ to go over our lessons. 七.单项选择 (共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 31. I was drawing a horse _____ the teacher came in. A. while B. as C. when D. the moment 32. Mary isn’t here. She h ... ...

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