
Unit 4 Making the news 倒装句课件(25张)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:35次 大小:370974Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件25张PPT。Grammar RevisionInversion从前有一座山 山上有一座庙 庙里有三个和尚 There was a temple on the mountain.There were three monks in the temple. On the mountain stood a temple.In the temple lived three monks. Once there was a mountain. Inversion 倒装subject + Verb + object 主 谓 宾 I love English.基本语序natural order Inversion 倒装 谓语 + 主语 助动词/情态动词/be+ 主语+ V. Partial Inversion 部分倒装 Full Inversion 完全倒装 Full Inversion 完全倒装There was a temple on the mountain.1.用于 there be 句型Away flew the bird. Full Inversion 完全倒装 The bird flew away. Full Inversion 完全倒装2.以副词here ,there, now, then或out, in, up, down, away 等 开头的句子 A new problem came then. The bus comes here. The teacher came in. The cat jumped up .Here comes the bus. In came the teacher.Up jumped the cat. Then came a new problem. Full Inversion 完全倒装The boy went away. He went away.Away went the boy . Away he went . ?代词做主语时 主谓不倒装 Full Inversion 完全倒装2.以副词here ,there, now, then或out, in, up, down, away 等 开头的句子 A new problem came then. The bus comes here. The teacher came in. The cat jumped up .Here comes the bus. In came the teacher.Up jumped the cat. Then came a new problem. Full Inversion 完全倒装A girl sat under a tree. Under a tree _____. sat a girl A tower stands on the hill .On the hill stands a tower.3. 表示地点的介词短语位于句首时 Full Inversion 完全倒装 Putin , Obama and leaders from many countries were present at the meeting. Present at the meeting were Putin , Obama and leaders from many countries. Full Inversion 完全倒装Wild flowers are growing all over the mountain. Growing all over the mountain are wild flowers. 4.表语置于句首时 When the bell rang, a lady came in. She is Miss Xie, our history teacher. Miss Xie stood on the platform, talking . Suddenly, she jumped up. Wow, we found such a big mouse that everybody let out a scream. The mouse was scared .And it rushed out of the classroom. We couldn’t help laughing. Full Inversion 完全倒装When the bell rang, in came a lady.On the platform stood Miss xie, talking. Scared was the mouse. Such a big mouse did we find that ... Partial Inversion 部分倒装用正常语序改写句子: 1 Never shall we give in. 2 He is quiet, and seldom does he speak in public. 3 Hardly had I got to the airport when the plane took off. 4 Not until midnight did my father come back. 5 At no time can you say “no” to the order. seldom Hardly NotNeverwhenAt no time Partial Inversion 部分倒装 1. 表示否定意义的词或短语位于句首时,句子使用部分倒装。 never , seldom, hardly, little, rarely,scarcely, by no means ,in no case, at no time等 。 Partial Inversion 部分倒装He didn’t finish his homework until his mother came back.Not until his mother came back did he finish his homework.2. 用于no sooner …than, hardly …when, scarcely …when 和 not until的句型中。She had no sooner gone out than the telephone rang.No sooner had she gone out than the telephone rang. Hardly whenscarcelywhen Partial Inversion 部分倒 ... ...

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