
Unit 3 Asking the way Checkout time &Ticking time 课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:95次 大小:1975096Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件19张PPT。Free talk:1. Where do you live?2. Is your home near the hospital/ cinema/ library/ school? 3. How do you get to the school? If you see some places, please say it loudly, If you can’t see the places, please say “Shh…” 如果你看到的是地点图片,请大声读出来,如果你看到的不是地点图片,请说“嘘”。 Play a game Retell Cartoon time Bobby and Tina want to ... First, they ...Next, they ... Then, they ... Finally, they ... Give Bobby some good ideas to get to the cinema in time. Help Sharon get to the shoe shop. Sharon 莎伦 Help Sharon find the best way. Can you show me the way to the shoe shop, please? Yellow Road Help Sharon find the best way. Which to choose? 选择哪一个? Yellow Road A: Shiny shoes, shiny shoes. Which to choose? B: The _____(颜色) shiny shoes. All: Yeah! Help Sharon choose the shiny shoes Sound time sh / ? /sheepshipshould____应该sure_____ Shh嘘当然 Read and group Shirley and Sally sell shirts at their shop. Shall we see the show at School on Saturday? 1. shoe _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 2. six _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ShirleyshirtsshopShallshowSallysellseeSchool Saturday Pick and say Tip: 选择一张地点单词卡,同桌玩这个游戏。 A: Excuse me, how do I get to ...? B: Walk along ... Draw and write Draw and write I live in Qinghua Garden. It is on Dieyuan Road. It is near Gaoyou High School. I often come to school by bus. First, I get on the bus at Gaoyou Cinema Stop. Next, I get off at Mapeng Hospital Stop. Then, I walk to school. Finally, The school is on my right. Draw and writeI live in/ on . It is near . I often come to school . First, I_____ _ Then, _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ I can ask and tell the way in many ways.I’ve got _____ stars. Ticking time I know the sound of "sh". I can name some places in the city. Asking the way: Showing the way:Excuse me, * Is there a ...? where’s the ...? * how do I get to the ...? * can you show me the way to ...? * which bus is for ...? * how many stops are there? ... It’s on ... Street/ Road. * It’s near/ far ... * Go along ... Turn left/ right ...at ... * You can go by bus/ taxi/ metro. Get on/ off at ... Station. ...

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