
Unit 4 My family Story time 课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:79次 大小:4948348Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件21张PPT。3A Unit4 My familyStory timeMagic eyesHe’s... / She’s...Hello, I’m ... This is... He’s / She’s my friend.Who am I? (介绍自己和朋友)fathermotherbrothersisterFamilyLet's actTip: 可以借助family tree哦!你能扮演Mike,试着介绍一下Mike的家庭吗? I’m Mike! This is my family. This is... fathermotherbrothersisterFamilyFather, father, this is my father.Mother, mother, . Brother, . this is my motherbrother, he’s my brotherSister, sister, she’s my sister.Family, family, I love (爱) my family.Let's chantFather, father, this is my father. Mother, mother, this is my mother. Brother, brother, he’s my brother. Sister, sister, she’s my sister. Family,family, I love my family.Let's chantWhat are they doing? (他们正在做什么?)Listen and chooseTip:选出你听到的家庭成员This is my mother.Watch and sayTip:仔细看Mike是如何介绍他的家人的?This is me!Read and sayTip:两人一组讨论,Mike是如何介绍弟弟妹妹的?Read and imitate·Reading time选择你喜欢的一种方式,朗读课文自己朗读和同桌齐读小组内齐读争当小小配音员!Have a try!Let's dub拿出你们的照片,来介绍一下自己的家庭成员吧!Let's talk今天这节课你学到了什么?I can say…Thanks,see you!

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