
Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.学案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:46次 大小:17420Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 【学习内容】I like music that I can dance to. Section A 1a-2d 【学习目标】1.掌握prefer,suppose,dance to,sing along with等单词或短语。 2.掌握—What kind of music do you like? —I like music that I can dance to./I love music that I can sing along with. 等句型。 3.初步了解定语从句的意义和用法。 【自学检测】 翻译 1.跟着唱_____ 2.弹不同种类的音乐 3.既然那样_____ 4.思考_____ 5.写他们自己的歌词 6.有歌词的音乐 7.轻柔而舒缓的音乐 8.最喜爱的乐队 9.prefer to 10. dance to 11. electronic music_____ 12. too loud_____ 【知识生成】 1.I like music that I can dance to.我喜欢能够伴舞的音乐。 a.介词to在这里表示“与…一致”“和着…”,相当于along with,后面多与music或song搭配。如:I like the music, but I can’t sing to. b.介词to在表示“与…一致”“和着…”时,后面除了跟“音乐”外,还可以跟“规则”“品位”之类的名词作宾语。如:We must drive to the traffic rules.我们开车必须遵守交通规则。 c.along with是个介词性词组,在用作“随着…”“和着…”时,相当于类似作用的介词to。如:That is not the music that they dance along with. 2.I prefer music that has great lyrics. 我更喜欢有好歌词的音乐。 A.prefer是个及物动词,意思是“更喜欢…”prefer所表达的是在两个可供挑选的项目中选其一。prefer多与介词to构成短语,表示“喜欢…胜过喜欢…”to的前后可以为名词或动词-ing形式。如: —Which one does he prefer, apples or oranges? —He prefers apples to oranges. B.在表达“喜欢……胜过……”的意思时,也可以使用“prefer+名词/动问不定式+rather than+名词/动词不定式”句型。如: I prefer the life in the quiet countryside rather than that in the noisy city. 3 .Xu Fei prefers groups that play quiet and gentle songs. quiet可用来表示“轻柔的”“安静的”。如:Do you like quiet music? 【当堂检测反馈】 根据汉语提示填空完成句子,每空一词. 1.你喜欢那种音乐? What music do you like? 2.我喜欢我能跟着唱/跳的音乐。 I like music I can sing /dance . 3.卡门更喜欢演奏各种音乐的音乐家。 Carmen musicians different kinds of music. 【拓展提升】根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词。 1. I (猜测)it will rain tomorrow. 2. The boy is playing (电子的)music. 3. The (悦耳的)music makes us happy. 4. He is busy and has no (空闲的)time. 二.单项选择。 ( )1. Most of my classmates prefer loud music they can dance to. A. that B. who C. whose D. where ( )2. I like friends who friendly and easy-going . A. is B. are C. have D. has ( )3. Tony loves music he can dance . A. which ;with B. who; along C. that ;to D. that ;in ( )4. I prefer some shopping to camping since the weather isn’t lovely. A. do; going B. doing; go C. do; go D. doing; going 【学习内容】I like music that I can dance to. Section A 3a-3c 【学习目标】1.掌握stick,down,dialogue,shut,plenty of, shut off 等重点单词和短语。 2.理解who,that引导的定语从句及用法。 【自学检测】 单词、短语翻译 1.想要做 2.取决于 3.使振奋 4.一个愉快的结局 5.尽某人最大努力做某事 6.stick to 7. cheer up 8.plenty of _____ 9.shut off 10.once in a while 11.in time 12.feel much better _____ 【知识生成】重点短语: 1.feel like doing sth 感觉想做某事 2. stick to坚持 ... ...

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