
Unit 1 This is me 单元测试卷(附答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:87次 大小:25156Byte 来源:二一课件通
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译林牛津7A Unit 1【单元测试卷】(附答案) 短语翻译(每题1分,共10分) read this book 2、热爱阅读 3、a new school _____ 4、擅长英语 _____ 5、do your homework _____ 6、欢迎来我家 7、over there _____ 8、我们的英语老师_____ 9、look after yourself_____ 10、...和....一样 单项选择(每题1分,共15分) ( )1、He used to to work by bus, but now he goes to work foot. A. going; on B. going; by C. go; on D. go; by ( )2、Can you tell me how to look after my e-dog?--OK,you can ___this book. A.look B.find C.see D.read ( )3、Let’s _____each other. A.make friends B.make friends to C.make friend with D.make friends with ( )4、My brothers _____glasses. A.isn’t wear B.don’t wear C.doesn’t wear D.doesn’t wears ( )5、There is _____ “s”and _____”u” in_____word “bus”? A.a;an;a B.an;a;the C.an;an;a D.a;a;the ( )6、He lives ____his grandparents.he has to look ___them. A.with/for B.in/ after C.with/ after D.in/ at ( )7 Mum,____my teacher Miss Li. A.She is B.That is C.This is D.this is ( )8、_____are good to us. A.The teachers all B.All of teachers C.Our all teachers D.All our teachers ( )9、Welcome to our school. _____. A.Yes,I am B.Oh,good C.Thank you D.No,I’m not ( )10、_____you good at ____pictures? A.Are;drawing B.Is;drawing C.Are;draw D.Is;draw ( )11、Excuse me.Are you Daniel?--_____ A.Yes,I’m B.No,I’m not C.Yes,I do D.No,I don’t ( )12、Stephen likes looking out ___the window ___the sea. A.at,on B.of,on C.at,of D.of,at ( )13、She is a nice girl with _____. A.long black hair B.a long black hair C.long black hairs D.a black long hair ( )14、Amy likes _____.She is good at _____. A.swims,swimming B.swimming,swims C.swimming,swimming D.swims,swims ( )15、_____is your brothers today? He is fine,thanks. A.Who B.How C.What D.How old 完形填空(每题1分,共10分) Hi, everyone! My name is Kamala.I’m from Nepel.I__1__in a small village(村庄),and I __2__it very much. I’m 10__3__.I have a __4__,Kuka.He is tall and __5__short hair .Kuka is two years younger than me . I like __6__and listening to music.Kuka enjoys__7__football.His __8__players are Ronaldo and David Beckham. He often __9__football after dinner ,but I have to __10__the cows .How unfair(多不公平)! ( )1.A. am born B.be born C.was born D.are born ( )2.A. Love B.loves C.loving D.likes ( )3.A. year B.years old C.old D.year old ( )4.A. brother B.sister C.teacher D.aunt ( )5.A. have B.has C.with D.enjoy ( )6.A. read B.reads C.reading D.to read ( )7.A. to play B.playing C.plays D.play ( )8.A. like B.love C.favourite D.loves ( )9.A. plays B.play with C.play D.has ( )10.A. look after B.look at C.look for D.look up 阅读理解(每题2分,共30分) A I have a big family. My name is Bob. I am English. I teach English in a middle school in Dalian. My wife Jenny is a teacher, too. We have two children . Alan is my son. He is eleven. My daughter’s name is Linda. They both studies in No.2 Middle School. They study hard. They often go to school in my car. My father`s name is a Jack. My mother is Lucy. They don`t work. They a ... ...

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