

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:41次 大小:2262883Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    21世纪教育网 –中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2018最新中考英语真题分类汇编题型一:单项选择之考点5数词 (原卷版) ( )1.(2018甘肃白银 武威)22. The number “23,456”can be read as “_____”. A. twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-six B. twenty-three thousand and four hundred fifty-six C. two three thousand and four five six D. two three thousand, four and five six ( )2.(2018重庆)27. _____ people visited Hongyadong, Chongqing on May Day this year. A. Thousand B. Thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousands of ( )3.(2018 辽宁沈阳)_____ visitors came to take photos of Hongyadong during the vacation. A. Thousand B. Thousand of C. Thousands D. Thousands of ( )4.(2018 内蒙古包头).—Look at the girl in the square!—Oh. I'm surprised that a ____ girl can dance so well! A. three-years-old B. three-year-old C. three years old ( )5.(2018·吉林长春)The first Disneyland was open in _____. But I don't know _____ exact year. A. 1950, an B. the 1950s, the C. 1950, the D. the 1950s, an ( )6.(2018·湖北黄冈). fans watched his final match and of them were men. A. Three millions;third four B. Million of; three fourths C. Millions of ; three fourth D. Millions of; three fourths ( )7.(2018·黑龙江绥化)—How old is your younger brother, Tom — . And we had a birthday party for his birthday last week. A.Ninth;nine B.Nine;nine C.Nine; ninth D.Ninth;ninth ( )8. (2018·贵州遵义)—School safety has become one of the hottest topics recently. —I think so. It receives Internet hit﹙点击﹚a day. A. thousands B. thousand of C. thousands of D. ten thousands ( )9.(2018·广西贺州)—Good news! Bill won _____ medal in the long jump just now. —Really That's his _____ one at our sports meeting. A. a; four B. An; fourth C. a; fourth D. an; four ( )10.(2018·黑龙江龙东)—We'll be back for our school's _____ anniversary (周年) ceremony. —I see. That means you'll have a get-together with your classmates in _____ years. A. twelve; seven B. twelfth; seven C. twelve; seventh D. twelfth; seventh ( )11.(2018·辽宁丹东)This Friday is my _____ birthday. Welcome to my party! A. the thirteenth B. the thirteen C. thirteen D. thirteenth ( )12.(2017 重庆渝北)18. —I hear you've got a "library" at home. —Yes. I've already had _____ books. A.hundred of B.hundreds of C.five hundreds D.five hundred of ( )13.(2017.湖北恩施)22. — England is becoming a popular tourist destination now. —I think so. _____people come here every summer vacation. A. Hundreds and thousands of  B. Hundred and thousand of C.Hundreds and thousands ( )14.(2017·黑龙江绥化)5. They plan to plant _____ trees next year. A. three hundred B. three hundreds C. three hundreds of ( )15.(2017·黑龙江龙东)11. _____of the students in our class ____ going to the summer camp in Beijing next week. A. Two fifths; are B. Second fifths; are C. Two fifths; is ( )16.(2017·广西来宾)42. _____ of the students in Sunshine Middle School_____ from the countryside. A. Two third; is B.Two thirds; are C.Two thirds; is ... ...

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