
Module 9 Unit 2 Mum bought new chopsticks for you 课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:43次 大小:3860002Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件15张PPT。外语教学与研究-出卷网- 五年级 | 下册 Warm upFree talk!Weekend is coming. What will you do?外语教学与研究-出卷网- 五年级 | 下册 外语教学与研究-出卷网- 五年级 | 下册 ChantHe borrowed some books. And read them all.He bought many books. But he didn’t read at all.外语教学与研究-出卷网- 五年级 | 下册 Daming is going to visit Simon. Simon and his family are ready for his coming. Now, let’s see what did they do for Daming.Ask and answer外语教学与研究-出卷网- 五年级 | 上册 1. What did Simon’s Dad do for Daming? He put another bed in Simon’s room. 2. What did Simon’s mum do for Daming? She bought new chopsticks for Daming. 3. What did they borrow for Daming? They borrowed a bike for Daming. 4. What’s Simon’s favourite subject? History is his favourite subject.Read and write外语教学与研究-出卷网- 五年级 | 下册 He ate a hamburger yesterday.外语教学与研究-出卷网- 五年级 | 下册 He is eating an apple now.外语教学与研究-出卷网- 五年级 | 下册 He is going to eat a banana tomorrow.Listen and say. Then sing.外语教学与研究-出卷网- 五年级 | 下册 外语教学与研究-出卷网- 五年级 | 下册 Say and guessA: I’ve got a letter from a friend. He saw a koala.B: Is the letter from Australia?A: Yes, it is.外语教学与研究-出卷网- 五年级 | 下册 A: I’ve got a letter from a friend. He saw the Big Ben.B: Is the letter from the UK?A: Yes, it is.外语教学与研究-出卷网- 五年级 | 下册 A: I’ve got a letter from a friend. He saw the Great Wall.B: Is the letter from China?A: Yes, it is.外语教学与研究-出卷网- 五年级 | 下册 Write and sayRead Lily’s story and help her write a letter to her cousin Mary.Homework1. Write the new words and sentences. 2. Write a letter. Use the words in part 6.外语教学与研究-出卷网- 五年级 | 下册 谢谢观看!

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