

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:72次 大小:33582Byte 来源:二一课件通
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小升初衔接测试卷 姓名_____ 成绩_____ 一、单项选择。(15分) 1、There is? _____ “U” and? _____ “E” in the word “umbrella”. A. an;an; ?? B. an;a; ? ??? C. a;an; ??? 2、She _____ my sister. A. is B. am C. are 3、My name is Tony Smith. Smith is my  .? A. first name????? B. last name C. given name????? 4、—What are these? —   are beautiful flowers.? A. These?????????? B. Those C.They 5、?My hair is much longer than _____ . ?? A. hers?? B. her? C. him? 6、There are two ___ books in our school library. A. hundreds    B. thousands    C. hundred 7、? It’s eight o’clock. The students?_____ an English class now. ????A. have?????????? B. are having?????? C. had 8、--Did you _____any horses????? --No, I_____. ????? A. saw; did ?? B. see; didn’t????? C. see; did 9、?— Who is the boy???? ?-- _____ is my brother. ?? A. I??????????????? B. She?????????????? C. He???????????????????? 10、?We get there _____ Sunday morning. ?? A. for?????????????? B. on??????????????? C. at???????????? 11、When does your father arrive ___ our school? A. to    B. in    C. at     12、This is   friend, David.? A.I    ???????? B.me C.my??????????? 13、--_____do you go there? --On foot. A. Where??? B. Why ?? C. How 14、My uncle _____ a film last week. A. sees?????????? B. saw???????? C. seed 15、 _____ he _____ volleyball last Sunday? A. Does; play??????? B. Is; play ????? C. Did; play 二、完型填空。(10分) 1 morning, everyone. 2 Grace. Look. This is a 3 . It's a nice quilt. What 4 is it? 5 yellow and white. And 6 this in English? It's 7 .It's 8 jacket. That’s a ruler. 9 ruler is 10 . ( ) 1. A. Good B. good C. Every ( ) 2. A. It's B. I'm C. Hi ( ) 3. A. map B. pen C. quilt ( ) 4. A. color B. this C. quilt ( ) 5. A. Its B. Is C. It's ( ) 6. A. How B. What's C. What ( ) 7. A. a jacket B. jacket C. an jacket ( ) 8. A. orange B. a orange C. an orange ( ) 9. A. An B. The C.A ( ) 10. A. Blue B. blue C. a blue 三、阅读理解。(每题2分,共30分) Mr. Wang is our English teacher. He is more than (多于) fifty years old. He is tall and thin with black hair. He has a big nose and small eyes. He always wears a pair of glasses. He often wears a dark blue jacket and black pants. He is strict (严格的) at his work, but he is kind to us. He teaches English well. He often makes us laugh in his class. We all like him very much, too. ( ) 1. How old is Mr. Wang? A. 50 B. 45 C. more than 50 ( ) 2. What does Mr. Wang look like? A. tall B. short C. nice ( ) 3. What does he often wear? A. a watch B. a pair of glasses C. a hat ( ) 4. What color is his jacket? A. black B. green C. blue ( ) 5. How do the students think of Mr. Wang? A. He is interesting B. He is kind C. He teaches English Ben is going to visit his grandparents in New York next week. He wants to give some presents to them. Yesterday he went shopping with his parents. In the shop, he bought a blue sweater and black trousers for his grandfather and some books for his grandmother. Both his parents thought they were v ... ...

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