
Module 5 The Great Sports Personality词汇教学--运动课件(32张)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:79次 大小:7525054Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件32张PPT。Vocabulary --SportFootballBasketballVolleyballSwimmingMarathonBoxingSkating Diving Gymnastics Shooting Cycling BaseballEg: Pay a heavy fine. Task 1. Guess the meaning of the underlined word “fine” in this passage.Vt. (常用被动语态) 处以罚金Eg: I was fined for driving too fast.n.(C) 罚金;罚款gloryTask2. Find the words for each of the following meanings from the passage.competitormotto ancient 1. high fame and honor won by great achievements. _____ 2. someone who takes part in the competition _____ 3. short sentence or phrase expressing the beliefs of a person or a group _____ 4. belonging to times long past _____ 5. an award for winning a championship _____ 6. of, used in or like magic _____ 7. take the place of sb./sth. _____ 8. enclosed area for games _____ medalmagicalreplacestadium代表 应得这样的光荣 参加比赛 使...... 公平 一个接一个的 常规体检 对...讨价还价 被允许进行比赛 Task3. Underline the following phrases.stand for take part in gameskeep...fairone after another a regular physical examinationbargain on be admitted to competitiondeserve the glory Gradually robots _____ factory workers . will replaceJackie Chan made so many films, so he _____ the Oscar Award.deservedThe boy Peking University.was admitted to被...录取The boy _____ that he broke the vase..admitted承认1. unlike 2. hopeless 3. fairness 4. competitor 词缀记忆法 affix --前缀prefix 后缀 suffix_____Advanced sentence pattern --高级句式 A. You and your homeland will deserve the great glory only when you win fairly. B. Only when you win fairly will you and your homeland deserve the great glory.Which is better ?Only after I finish my homework am I allowed to go out to play.Only then did I understand what you meant.Only in this way can he achieve success.Conclusion I enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Baoduzhai when I went to LuQuan. Only when ...I went to LuQuan did I enjoy the beautiful ......高考链接 —语篇填空 The modern Olympic Games are 1._____ (big) sports meeting in the world, 2. ____ (include) two sets of Games, the Winter and the Summer Olympics. Both 3.___ (hold) every four years. All countries can take part and only athletes 4._____have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted 5.___ competitors. Women are not only allowed to join in 6.____ play a very 7.__(importance) role in many events. A special village is built for the competitors 8.___(live) in. A great number of buildings such as stadium, large swimming pools and gymnasium are built for competitions. It's a great 9.___(responsible) and honour to host the Olympics. The olive wreath has been replaced by medals, but the motto 10.___ the Olympics is still “ Swifter, Higher and Stronger.” includingare heldasimportantto liveresponsibilityofthe biggestwhobutWriting 1. 对运动员来说, 能够参加奥运会是巨大的荣誉。 2. 运动员只有通过定期的比赛,得到认可才能被允许参加奥运会。 3. 他们为奖牌也为荣誉而战,因此他们值得表扬。possible version It's a great honour for athletes to take part in the Olympic Ga ... ...

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