
Unit 10 Buying a book 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:89次 大小:6897Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 10 Buying a book 同步练习 1. 无聊的,无趣的_____ 2. 买,购买_____ 3. 困难的_____ 4. 令人激动的_____ 5. 昂贵的_____ 6. 有趣的_____ 7. 图片_____ 1. I am_____ (tall) than Ann. 2. This book is_____ (interesting) than that one. 3. This movie is _____ (exciting) of all. 4. Which snake is_____ (long), this one or that one? 5. Which book is_____ (difficult), this one, that one or the third one? Eg. beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful 1. difficult 2. expensive 3. exciting 4. boring 5. interesting 1. is the name what of the book (?) _____ 2. is it the expensive book most in store the(.) _____ 3. has many it colorful pictures (.) _____ 4. was it difficult too Mocky for but(.) _____ 5. was it cheaper the science book than (.) _____ 1. I think the most exciting story is . 2. I think the most boring stories . 3. I think the most difficult classes . 4. I think the most beautiful song is . 5. I think the most exciting sport is . 参考答案 1. boring  2. buy  3. difficult  4. exciting  5. expensive  6. interesting  7. Picture 1. taller 2. more interesting 3. the most interesting 4. longer 5. the most difficult 1. more difficult the most difficult   2. more expensive the most expensive   3. more exciting the most exciting   4. more boring the most boring   5. more interesting the most interesting 1. What is the name of the book? 2. It is the most expensive book in the store. 3. It has many colorful pictures. 4. But it was too difficult for Mocky. 5. It was cheaper than the science book. 略。

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