
Module 4 Healthy food. Unit 2 Is your food and drink healthy.教学课件(26张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:50次 大小:6188931Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件26张PPT。Module 4 Healthy FoodUnit 2 Is your food and drink healthy?Has he got any … in the fridge? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.Tony’s fridgeWarming-up看图说话Are these your favourite food and drink? Are they healthy or unhealthy?Look and Saynoodlesfishsugar bread eggsHealthy foodricesweet potatoeshamburgers colacandiesice creamunhealthy foodunhealthy drinkWhat’s your favorite food/drink? Is it good for you?beef My favorite …is … but I think it’s bad for me. My favorite… is … and I think it’s good for me.In our life(生活), there are many kinds of delicious food that we like, but they are not healthy.Are they healthy?No, they aren’t. They are much too fat.They eat too much unhealthy food.Healthy food and drink for children is important.What’s the passage mainly about? Healthy food and drink for children titleRead the passage and find the main idea(主题句) of every paragraph.(找出每段的主题句)Fast reading:Is our food and drink healthy? How to be healthy?1.Is your food and drink healthy?Fast reading:2.Eat the right food and be healthy.3.It is important to remember: eat well, stay healthy, and don’t get fat.Healthy food and drink Unhealthy food and drink The writer’s advice(建议) on staying healthyParagraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 31. Ice cream, hamburgers and meat are not healthy food. 2. Candy is not healthy food. 3. Carrots, eggs and cheese are good for your eyes. 4. Fish, milk and sweet potatoes are good for your teeth. 5. Having a good breakfast every morning is good for your health. 6. Noodles and rice are healthy food. 7. Dinking juice, water, tea, milk and cola is good for your health. 8. Eating lots of fruit and vegetables is good for your health.and hamburgerssweet potatoescheeseand milkCareful reading:Is your food and drink healthy? A lot of … , … and … is not … Meat is … but … is not … . __ and candy are …, and too much ___ is bad for you.Careful reading--RetellingEat the right food and be healthy. Carrots, eggs and _____ are … . Milk, cheese and fish are … . A bit tired? Have … .Careful reading--RetellingRead Paragraph 3 and say:How to be healthy?1.Eat _____ or ___, not _____. 2.Have _____every morning. 3.Drink ____, ____, ____ and ____, not _____. 4.Eat _____and _____.noodlesricehamburgers a good breakfastjuicewaterteamilkcolalots of fruitvegetables Read the passage and complete the table. (P 23) meat, milk, carrots, water, eggs, tea, sweet potatoes, juice, cheese, fish, chicken soup, noodles, rice, fruit, vegetablesice cream, cola, hamburger, candyThere are many foods in our lessons, please choose the food for your three meals.Breakfast(早饭): Lunch (午饭): Dinner (晚饭): milk, eggs, bread... vegetables, meat, rice, bread … fruit, vegetables, juice… 学以致用I have …for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner.A healthy breakfast is (1)_____ in the morning and it’s my favourite (2)_____. There are (3)_____ fruit and vegetables for lunch at school, but there isn’t any cola or candy. Candy and cola are (4)_____ food and d ... ...

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