
Unit 2 Lesson 10 Mr. Wood’s science class 课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:39次 大小:3202245Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件16张PPT。Lesson 10 Mr. Wood's Science Classspringsummerwinterfallwarm and rainyhot and sunnywindy and cloudycold and snowyHow is the weather ?It’s sunny.How’s the weather today? It’s cloudy. How’s the weather today? It’s windy.How’s the weather today?It’s rainy.How is the weather ?It’s snowy.What’s the temperature? It’s thirty-eight degrees. What’s the temperature in the river? It’s zero degrees. What’s the temperature of the boiling water? It’s one hundred degrees. What’s the temperature in winter? It’s thirteen degrees below zero.(-13℃ )What’s the temperature in ____?It’s _____degrees.What’s the temperature?It’s _____degrees.Here is a weather forecast. Guess Who can guess the temperature outside/inside? 1、给自己的爸爸妈妈测量一下体温,并且测量一下自己家的室内室外温度。Homework:2、收看天气预报,关注自己城市和自己喜欢的城市的气温并记录下来。

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