
Unit 3 My friends PB Read and write & PC Story time 课件+素材

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:58次 大小:31203295Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件22张PPT。 My friend Part B (Read and write & Let's check & Let's sing) Part C (Story time) Unit ThreeWarm up点 击 图 片 , 播 放 视 频Let's sing或点击此处播放视频RevisionChoose and say strong thin tall short friendly cute quiet nice good black hair yellow bag …He is ____ and _____ .thin tallHe has _____ .His shoes are _____. strong thin tall short friendly blue quiet nice white black hair yellow bag …black hairwhite and bluePresentation Read and writeLead inToday,we will play a game“Who is he/she?” She has long hair. She has orange shoes. What is her name ? hair 头发long 长的shoes 鞋子orange 橘色的Her name is Ann. James KateBenAnnHe has short hair. He has a big green bag. What is his name ? hair 头发short 短的a green bag 一个绿色的包His name is JamesJames KateBenAnn She is tall.She is friendly.She has a blue hat.Who is she? hat 帽子blue 蓝色的Her name is Kate. James KateBenAnn He is short and thin. He has glasses.He is near the window.Who is he? His name is BenJames KateBenAnn点 击 图 片 , 播 放 视 频read and match或点击此处播放视频Look, choose and write.Now write about one of your classmates!PracticeHe is strong and tall.He has green hair.He has a red bag.What's his name?Guess timeJackFrankHe is Jack.Let's check Tips:1.听录音之前,先认真观察每幅图片中人物的外貌特征。2.边听录音边标号。Listen and number1234听力原文 1.Boy:Hey.I have a new friend.He has long hair and brown shoes. Boy:Who is he? Boy:His name is Tim. 2.Girl: Look at her. She has orange shoes.Who is she? Girl: Her name is Ann. 3.Boy: What’s his name? Girl:His name is Mike.He’s very friendly. 4.Boy: My friend Bob is tall and strong. Girl: Really? Boy: Yes.There he is.He has glasses. Look and match. Story time点 击 图 片 , 播 放 视 频或点击此处播放视频 你掌握了吗?Summary短语: short hair, long hair blue hat, orange shoes a big green bag 句子: —What is his/her name? —Who is he/she?

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