
牛津译林版七年级英语上册课件:7AUnits5-8 (共54张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:45次 大小:3484160Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件54张PPT。7A Unit 5-8 Revision第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册] sheep teeth potatoes children outside women comfortable comfortably uncomfortable cheap/inexpensive 第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册]healthy unhealthy halves lovely celebration第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册]differentlydifferenceimportancetastykeptkeptcollection darkness第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册]scarves/scarfs energetic lying lied lied lay lain dress up play a trick on sb  give sb some candy as a treat be on holiday take photos find out at night 第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册]let off/set off at this time of year be good for our health feel hungry between meals less than more than 第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册]need to exercise more be interested in you're welcome be different from think about第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册]both…and… go for sthbe fit for get together keep…away a fashion show a clothes shop sports clothes 第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册]have a party on the evening of 第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册]too much are bad for my teeth How long do you sleep There are different kinds of  第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册]have rice for lunch use our pocket money to buy thembuy some presents different from Amy's what to wear are popular among 第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册]light and comfortable What are matches any other colour 第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册] made of try on How often 第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册]knock at/on ten more minutes Both of are wearingto celebrate includes a pair of 第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册]A 词 汇 点 睛●1 keep vt. 保持 【点拨】 keep 的用法:第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册] These gloves will keep your hands warm. 这些手套会使你的手(感到)暖和。 The heavy rain didn't keep them from watching the football match. 大雨没能阻止他们观看足球赛。 I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册] 【拓展】 keep构成的短语: keep a record 保持纪录 keep in touch (with) (与……)保持联系 keep in mind 牢记第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册]典型例题 【 2018·原创】根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空(每空限填一个单词) (1)The loud noise kept him from _____ (fall) asleep. He was awake all night. (2)They burnt some wood to keep _____ (warm) on cold days.第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册]falling warm ●2 fit adj. 健康的 【搭配】 keep fit=keep healthy 保持健康 To keep fit, you'd better exercise more. 为了保持健康,你最好多锻炼。 【拓展】 (1)fit用作形容词时,还可译为“适合的;恰当的”。常见搭配:(sb) be fit for (某人)适合(某项工作) He isn't fit for this job. 他不适合这份工作。第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册](2)fit 还可用作动词。fit作及物动词时,意为“使适合;使胜任”;作不及物动词时,意为“适合;吻合”。 Some training will fit them for the job. 经过一些训练,他们就能胜任这份工作。 The shoes don't fit well. 这双鞋不合脚。第2课时┃ Units 5-8 [七年级上册]●3 plan vt. 打算,计划 【点拨】 plan 用作动词时,其现在分词、过去式和过去分词需双写“n”再加 “-ing” 或 “-ed”, 即 planning, planned, plann ... ...

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