
Unit 10 Around my home 课件+素材(3课时)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:92次 大小:84495232Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    ==================资料简介====================== 第一课时_课件:28张PPT Oxford English Around my home Period 1 Learn the sounds Learn the sounds There’s a river and some trees around their home. How nice! Look and read Around my home Look and learn Miss Fang and her students are talking about their homes. 第三课时_课件:25张PPT Oxford English Around my home Period 3 Oxford English 6 5 4 2 1 3 o Do a puzzle Is there a park near your home Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes, there is. Trees, flowers. Nice, nice, nice! Is there a supermarket near your home Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes, there is. Fruits, toys. Super, super, super! 第二课时_课件:26张PPT Oxford English Around my home Period 2 Learn the sounds The d _ cks have f _n. They play in the s _ n. R _ n, r _ n, r _ n! Catch the d _ cks in the s _ n! u u u u u u u u c__t m__sic 2. t__be __p 3. __nder s__per 4. h__ngry p__pil ================================================ 压缩包内容: 第一课时_课件+素材 Learn the sounds.mp3 Learn the sounds.swf Listen and say 02.mp3 Listen and say 03.mp3 Listen and say 06.mp3 Listen and say 07.mp3 Listen and say.mp3 Listen and say.swf Look and Read.mp3 Look and Read.swf P101 Let’s learn more (10).swf park.mp3 recording 18.mp3 restaurant.mp3 supermarket.mp3 第一课时_课件.pptx 第三课时_课件+素材 Learn the sounds.mp3 Learn the sounds.swf Listen and say 02.mp3 Listen and say 03.mp3 Listen and say 06.mp3 Listen and say 07.mp3 Listen and say.mp3 Listen and say.swf Look and Read.mp3 Look and Read.swf P101 Let’s learn more (10).swf park.mp3 recording 18.mp3 restaurant.mp3 supermarket.mp3 第三课时_课件.pptx 第二课时_课件+素材 Learn the sounds.mp3 Learn the sounds.swf Listen and say 02.mp3 Listen and say 03.mp3 Listen and say 06.mp3 Listen and say 07.mp3 Listen and say.mp3 Listen and say.swf Look and Read.mp3 Look and Read.swf P101 Let’s learn more (10).swf park.mp3 recording 18.mp3 restaurant.mp3 supermarket.mp3 第二课时_课件.pptx

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