
Unit 2 Colour. 单元导学案(表格版6课时)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:93次 大小:26808Byte 来源:二一课件通
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9A Unit2教案 教学单元课时安排 教学目标 任务设置 知识与技能 过程与方法 情感态度和价值观 达成情况 作业安排 Period 1 1. 掌握表示不同颜色的词汇。 2. 了解彩虹的颜色以及它们的顺序。 “先学后教,当堂训练”模式 能够用英语谈论颜色 Comic strip&Welcome to the unit 《当堂训练》 《课课练》 Period 2 1.了解不同颜色所代表的含义。 2.认识并理解有关情绪的词汇 “先学后教,当堂训练”模式 了解颜色和情绪的关系 Reading 1 《当堂训练》 《课课练》 Period 3 1. 学生能灵活运用所学单词,短语和句型。 2.掌握并背诵课文。 “先学后教,当堂训练”模式 进一步巩固所学内容,温故而知新,内化语言知识,提升实践能力。 Reading 2 《当堂训练》 《课课练》 Period 4 学会运用that引导的宾语从句。 2. 学会运用if或whether引导的宾语从句。 “先学后教,当堂训练”模式 提高语言运用能力,增加语感。 Grammar《当堂训练》 《课课练》 Period 5 学会从广告印刷品和电视采访中获得信息。 2巩固读和听过程中获取的信息,确认事实。 3.学会征求和提供意见并提出建议。 “先学后教,当堂训练”模式 学会陈述某种服饰的优缺点以及颜色的作用。 Integrated skills 《当堂训练》 《课课练》 Period 6 1. 帮助学生了解寻读法 2. 学会通过寻读文章找到 所需信息。 “先学后教,当堂训练”模式 掌握阅读英文故事的基本方法,能读懂简单的英文故事。 Study skills《当堂训练》 《课课练》 Period 7 1. 学会在写作前用表格的形式组织思路。 2. 完成一份关于颜色和情 绪之间关系的报告。 “先学后教,当堂训练”模式 通过运用本单元所学语言,描述颜色和情绪之间的关系。 Task 《当堂训练》 《课课练》 Unit2 Colours 课 题 Comic strip and welcome to the unit 主备人: 课 型 新授 课时安排:第 1 课时 教 学 目 标 1.Students can recognize the names of different colors 2.Students can recognize the colors of the rainbow and the order of the colors 教学重点 1.Students can recognize the names of different colors 2.Students can recognize the colors of the rainbow and the order of the colors 教学难点 Students can talk about the favorite colors 教学内容及过程 二次备课 Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead in: Show them some pictures about colours they have learned to review the expressions of different colours. Free talk: After seeing some colours, talk about the colours they like best and explain the reasons. Do you know what colors Eddies likes best? Step 2 Comic strip Listening to the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo. Then ask some simple questions. Which colour does Eddie like better? Why does Eddie like this colour? What did Eddie feel after he wore the dress? Let the students read the dialogues in different roles and perform Eddie and Hobo. Explain the use of “rather…than” to the students. Do some exercises, fill in the blanks to consolidate what they’ve learned just now. Step 3 Presentation Ask students to list some colourful things that they can see during their daily lives. Show the picture about a rainbow to them and ask: “When can you see rainbow? How many colours are there in a rainbow? What’s their order?” With the above questions, the teacher and the students talk about the colours of a rainbow together and get a conclusion. Colours in a rainbow(in correct order): red, orange, yell ... ...

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