
Unit 6 How do you like this one 教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:12次 大小:4587Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 How Do You Like This One? 教案 一、教学目标 1. 本文主要围绕衣服的颜色款式展开。通过How do you like this one? Well, I don’t like this one. 新句型的学习,进一步提高学生听说读交际等综合素质。 2. 游戏教学法、角色表演法、创设情境法,听,说教学法以及电教手段。 3. 在听说读写技能的同时,培养学生用英语解决生活中实际问题。 二、教学重点 衣服样式以及衣服颜色的表达。 三、教学难点 熟练掌握并运用描述衣服样式和颜色,拓展知识含量为学生进一步进行人际交流创设空间。 四、教学准备 课件,书以及衣服实物。 五、教学过程 Step 1 Greeting T: Class begins. S: Good morning, teacher. T: Good morning, children. T: Ok, today let’s learn lesson6 “How do you like this one?” Step 2 Leading-in T: Father’s birthday is coming, so Billy is going to the shop (point to the picture), let’s have a look, what’s this in the shop? (sweater, shirt, jacket) T: Let’s listen to the tape, and answer “What does Billy want to buy?” Ss: … Step 3 New lesson T: I have a shirt with long sleeves. (Show the clothes) Read after me, spell it and follow the tape. Learn the new word: sleeve Ss: sleeve, sleeve (snap their fingers ) T: write the word Ss: sleeve (write the word) (Long/short) Lead in: a shirt with short sleeves T shows other clothes to learn the new word: button Read after me, spell it and follow the tape 操练: Follow me/ (clap) the word (with/without) Lead in: a shirt with/without buttons According to teacher` s card, all the students say “I want a …with …”, then one student to buy the clothes. T: let’s listen to the tape, and answer “what color does he want? And what` s happening” Ss: Learn the new word: size T: Billy chooses the clothes carefully, let’s listen to the tape, answer “which shirt does he want?” Ss: Learn new sentence: How do you like this one? I like it. / I don’t like it. T: let s listen and learn to buy something in the shop. Step 4 Practice T: Now, open your book, let’s listen to the tape and follow it to read together, OK? S: Yes. Listen to the tape and follow it to read. T: (To ask the students read the dialogue) S: (The students read the dialogues in pairs) T: Good for you! Now look at the exercise, give you few minutes to fill in the blanks, you can work in groups. (Show the exercise on the screen.) S: (Work in groups and fill in the blanks) T: Good! This time let’s read it together. S: (The students read the passage) T: You all did a good job. Step 5 Homework Describe your beautiful clothes use the new sentences.

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