
高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Getting along with others Project(2) Giving an oral report课件(17张)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:65次 大小:1914945Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件17张PPT。Good afternoon!Unit 1 Giving an oral reportProjectDo you think friendship is important in you life? What does friendship mean to you?Lead inQuestionnaire(问卷) Are you a boy or a girl? Boy _____ Girl _____ Tick the answer which most applies to you. How many best friends do you have? A. a lot B. a few C. none 2. How often do you have a long conversation with your friends? A. more than three times a week B. Once a week C. Seldom D. Never 3. What topics do you mostly talk about with your best friends? A. hobbies and interests B. families and friends C. school and study D. emotions and feelings E. future plans and dreams F. others 4. Do you share your secrets with your best friends? A. always B. sometimes C. never 5. Do you think boys and girls have the same attitudes towards friendship? A. Yes B. No Thank you for your cooperation! ?Teenagers’ friendshipsFast-readingWhat’s the main idea of this passage?Boys and girls have different types of friendships and different attitudes towards friendship.Detailed readingMatch the main idea of each paragraph. Para 1 Girls have more friendships than boys. Boys can’t name a best friend. Para 2 Girls have a lot to talk about with friends, while boys don’t. Para 3 Boys share activities, while girls share feelings. Para 4 The boy feels puzzled about friendship between girls. Para 5 Regardless of the differences, friendships are needed in our lives. Part 1: The boy feels puzzled about friendship between girls. Part 2: Differences in friendships between boys and girls. 1) Boys share activities, while girls share feelings. 2) Girls have more friendships than boys. 3) Girls have a lot to talk about with friends, while boys don’t. Part 3: Regardless of the differences, friendships are needed in our lives.put forward the topic of the reportstate the detailsvoice the writer’s opinions/ summaryStructure of the articlePlanning get into groups (6) choose your topicGiving an oral reportFriendship / Hobbies / School subjects Your group’s topic _____ProjectTo make the report convincing(令人信服的), we should base it on facts. So it is necessary for us to design a survey(调查). And a questionnaire(问卷调查) is a good form of a survey.Preparing clear assignments make a questionnaire _____ collect the information _____ analyze the results _____ write the report _____ present the oral report _____ √√√√√Producing make a questionnaire give out and collect the questionnaires write the reportSample report: Our group’s topic is teenagers’ friendship. Friendship is very important in our daily life. Everyone need friends. However, girls and boys have different attitudes towards friendship… For instance, 30% of the students…,50% of the students…,the rest of the students… In our group’s opinion, regardless of the different basis of their friendship. Both of them are friendship. We all need friends in our daily life. PresentingIt is time to present your findings to the class in an oral report.Show timeHomewor ... ...

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