

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:46次 大小:18063535Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2017-2018学年度下学期七年级第一次月考试题 英语试卷 一.单项选择(本题共20分,每小题1分) 选择最佳答案 ( )1.My teacher doesn't play chess, but she likes to watch. A. a B.the C./ ( )2.-- I know a story. Do you want to listen to it? -- OK. A. funny B. clean C. free ( )3. -- What do you do after school? -- I usually do homework. A. me B. my C. mine ( ) 4. -- you dance? -- Sure. A. need B. Must C. Can ( )5. I help him his English, A. with B. in C. on ( )6. -- Lucy doesn't sing very well. -- Yes. And her brother doesn't, A. too B. also C.either ( )7. -- boys are there in your class? A. How many B. How much C.How long ( )8. -- Here's your books, Mr. Wang. -- Thanks for me. A. help B. helping C.to help ( )9. -- Do you like Harbin? -- Yes. I am in Harbin for ten years. Harbin becomes(成为) my second . A. family B. room C. home ( )10. -- Is there a library near here? -- Yes. It's the store the station. A. between; or B. between; and C. either; or ( )11. We in Harbin on time. A. arrive B. get C.go ( )12. -- Are you American English? -- I'm English. A. and B. or C. but ( )13. My sister is a _ girl. She likes music very much. A. five years old B. five-year-old C. five-years-old ( )14. Frank _ a happy _ with his parents in Harbin. A. lives, lives B. live, life C. lives, life ( )15. _ is a national ball game(国球) of China . A. Ping-pong B. Soccer C. Basketball ( )16.Heath(健康) is very important to us. If you want to have good health, you should _ . ①often talk a walk ②go to bed early and get up early ③brush teeth every day ④eat much ice-cream ⑤take a shower A. ①③④ B. ②③④ C. ①②⑤ ( ) 17. The survey(调查) is about what students do at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday. _ students swim at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday among 50 students. Swimming Running Dancing Playing basketball ? 10% 25% 25% A.10 B.20 C.30 ( )18.Whlch pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound? A. make dance B. clean teach C. half talk ( )19.In the following words, which underlined letter has a different sound from the others? A. true B. run C. bus ( ) 20.which word of the following doesn-t have the same stress as the others? A. Subway B. Funny C. Between 二.完形填空(本题共10分,每小题 1分) . Danny is a schoolboy. He lives in 21 old town(城镇). His home is about ten 22 from school and the roads are not flat(平坦的). So it's 23 for him to get to school. He gets up at about 24 every day and has breakfast. Then he goes to school 25 around six o'clock. First, he 26 his bike to the bus station. That takes about forty minutes. 27 the bus takes him to school. It usually takes about thirty minutes. Sometimes he has no time for 28 at home, so he 29 has something for breakfast on the bus. He works very hard at school. He hopes he can go to school in a big city some day. He can _30_ a train to school then. ( ) 21. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 22. A. kilometer B. kilometers C. meter ( ) 23. A. early B. afraid C. difficult ( ) 24. A. five fifteen B. thirty-one to fifteen C. fifth past fifteen ( ... ...

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